Concerning a problem due to Sam B. Nadler, Jr.
We prove that Alexander-Spanier cohomology with coefficients in a topologicalAbelian group G is isomorphic to the group of isomorphism classes of principal bundles with certain Abelian structure groups. The result holds if either X is a CW-space and G arbitrary or if X is metrizable or compact Hausdorff and G an ANR.
A characterisation of trivial 1-cohomology, in terms of some connectedness condition, is presented for a broad class of metric spaces.
We study the homomorphism induced on cohomology by the maximal equicontinuous factor map of a tiling space. We will see that in degree one this map is injective and has torsion free cokernel. We show by example, however, that, in degree one, the cohomology of the maximal equicontinuous factor may not be a direct summand of the tiling cohomology.
A topological space X is called an -bubble (n is a natural number, is Čech cohomology with integer coefficients) if its n-dimensional cohomology is nontrivial and the n-dimensional cohomology of every proper subspace is trivial. The main results of our paper are: (1) Any compact metrizable -bubble is locally connected; (2) There exists a 2-dimensional 2-acyclic compact metrizable ANR which does not contain any -bubbles; and (3) Every n-acyclic finite-dimensional -trivial metrizable compactum...