Théorèmes de dualité pour les faisceaux algébriques cohérents
It is known that, for a regular riemannian foliation on a compact manifold, the properties of its basic cohomology (non-vanishing of the top-dimensional group and Poincaré duality) and the tautness of the foliation are closely related. If we consider singular riemannian foliations, there is little or no relation between these properties. We present an example of a singular isometric flow for which the top-dimensional basic cohomology group is non-trivial, but the basic cohomology does not satisfy...
We will pose the inverse problem question within the Krupka variational sequence framework. In particular, the interplay of inverse problems with symmetry and invariance properties will be exploited considering that the cohomology class of the variational Lie derivative of an equivalence class of forms, closed in the variational sequence, is trivial. We will focalize on the case of symmetries of globally defined field equations which are only locally variational and prove that variations of local...