A combinatorial characterization of planar 2-complexes Jonathan L. Gross, Ronald H. Rosen (1981) Colloquium Mathematicae
An implementation of the Bestvina-Handel algorithm for surface homeomorphisms. Brinkmann, Peter (2000) Experimental Mathematics
Computational aspects of group extensions and their applications in topology. Dekimpe, Karel, Eick, Bettina (2002) Experimental Mathematics
Computing arithmetic invariants of 3-manifolds. Coulson, David, Goodman, Oliver A., Hodgson, Craig D., Neumann, Walter D. (2000) Experimental Mathematics
Computing triangulations of mapping tori of surface homeomorphisms. Brinkmann, Peter, Schleimer, Saul (2001) Experimental Mathematics
Computing varieties of representations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds into SL ( 4 , ℝ ) . Cooper, Daryl, Long, Darren, Thistlethwaite, Morwen (2006) Experimental Mathematics
Does the Jones polynomial detect unknottedness? Dasbach, Oliver T., Hougardy, Stefan (1997) Experimental Mathematics
Introducing Regina, the 3-manifold topology software. Burton, Benjamin A. (2004) Experimental Mathematics
Simplicial manifolds, bistellar flips and a 16-vertex triangulation of the Poincaré homology 3-sphere. Björner, Anders, Lutz, Frank H. (2000) Experimental Mathematics
Symmetries, isometries and length spectra of closed hyperbolic three-manifolds. Hodgson, Craig D., Weeks, Jeffrey R. (1994) Experimental Mathematics
Théorie des nœuds et calcul formel Jean-Philippe Rolin (1989) Publications mathématiques et informatique de Rennes