On the Stanley Ring of a Cubical Complex.
A coordinate cone in is an intersection of some coordinate hyperplanes and open coordinate half-spaces. A semi-monotone set is an open bounded subset of , definable in an o-minimal structure over the reals, such that its intersection with any translation of any coordinate cone is connected. This notion can be viewed as a generalization of convexity. Semi-monotone sets have a number of interesting geometric and combinatorial properties. The main result of the paper is that every semi-monotone...
We prove a finiteness result for the systolic area of groups. Namely, we show that there are only finitely many possible unfree factors of fundamental groups of -complexes whose systolic area is uniformly bounded. We also show that the number of freely indecomposable such groups grows at least exponentially with the bound on the systolic area. Furthermore, we prove a uniform systolic inequality for all -complexes with unfree fundamental group that improves the previously known bounds in this dimension....