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In Ehresmann's footsteps: from group geometries to groupoid geometries

Jean Pradines (2007)

Banach Center Publications

The geometric understanding of Cartan connections led Charles Ehresmann from the Erlangen program of (abstract) transformation groups to the enlarged program of Lie groupoid actions, via the basic concept of structural groupoid acting through the fibres of a (smooth) principal fibre bundle or of its associated bundles, and the basic examples stemming from the manifold of jets (fibred by its source or target projections). We show that the remarkable relation arising between the actions of the structural...

Infinitesimal automorphisms and deformations of parabolic geometries

Andreas Čap (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that infinitesimal automorphisms and infinitesimal deformations of parabolic geometries can be nicely described in terms of the twisted de Rham sequence associated to a certain linear connection on the adjoint tractor bundle. For regular normal geometries, this description can be related to the underlying geometric structure using the machinery of BGG sequences. In the locally flat case, this leads to a deformation complex, which generalizes the well known complex for locally conformally...

Infinitesimal conjugacies and Weil-Petersson metric

Albert Fathi, L. Flaminio (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study deformations of compact Riemannian manifolds of negative curvature. We give an equation for the infinitesimal conjugacy between geodesic flows. This in turn allows us to compute derivatives of intersection of metrics. As a consequence we obtain a proof of a theorem of Wolpert.

Integrating central extensions of Lie algebras via Lie 2-groups

Christoph Wockel, Chenchang Zhu (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The purpose of this paper is to show how central extensions of (possibly infinite-dimensional) Lie algebras integrate to central extensions of étale Lie 2-groups in the sense of [Get09, Hen08]. In finite dimensions, central extensions of Lie algebras integrate to central extensions of Lie groups, a fact which is due to the vanishing of π 2 for each finite-dimensional Lie group. This fact was used by Cartan (in a slightly other guise) to construct the simply connected Lie group associated to each finite-dimensional...

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