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Nondegenerate cohomology pairing for transitive Lie algebroids, characterization

Jan Kubarski, Alexandr Mishchenko (2004)

Open Mathematics

The Evens-Lu-Weinstein representation (Q A, D) for a Lie algebroid A on a manifold M is studied in the transitive case. To consider at the same time non-oriented manifolds as well, this representation is slightly modified to (Q Aor, Dor) by tensoring by orientation flat line bundle, Q Aor=QA⊗or (M) and D or=D⊗∂Aor. It is shown that the induced cohomology pairing is nondegenerate and that the representation (Q Aor, Dor) is the unique (up to isomorphy) line representation for which the top group of...

Non-degenerescence of some spectral sequences

K. S. Sarkaria (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Each Lie algebra of vector fields (e.g. those which are tangent to a foliation) of a smooth manifold M définies, in a natural way, a spectral sequence E k ( ) which converges to the de Rham cohomology of M in a finite number of steps. We prove e.g. that for all k 0 there exists a foliated compact manifold with E k ( ) infinite dimensional.

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