Ein massentheoretisches Marginalproblem.
In this paper we first use the semiconormed fuzzy integrals in order to extend the definition of the fuzzy expected value (F.E.V.) (Kandel, 1979). We generalize some of the properties due to Kandel with a criticism about his purpose of constraining the F.E.V. to be linear. Finally, a necessary and sufficient condition is given in order to guarantee some linearity properties for any semiconormed fuzzy integral.
Let (X,A) and (Y,B) be measurable spaces. Supposewe are given a probability α on A, a probability β on B and a probability μ on the product σ-field A ⊗ B. Is there a probability ν on A⊗B, with marginals α and β, such that ν ≪ μ or ν ~ μ ? Such a ν, provided it exists, may be useful with regard to equivalent martingale measures and mass transportation. Various conditions for the existence of ν are provided, distinguishing ν ≪ μ from ν ~ μ.
Let (Ω, θ, J) be a finitely additive probabilistic space formed by any set Ω, an algebra of subsets θ and a finitely additive probability J. In these conditions, if F belongs to V1(Ω, θ, J) there exists f, element of the completion of L1(Ω, θ, J), such that F(E) = ∫E f dJ for all E of θ and conversely.The integral representation gives sense to the following result, which is the objective of this paper, in terms of the point function: if β is a subalgebra of θ, for every F of V1(Ω, θ, J) there exists...
We consider special events of Borel sets with the aim to prove, that the set of the irrational numbers is an event of the Borel sets. The set of the natural numbers, the set of the integer numbers and the set of the rational numbers are countable, so we can use the literature [10] (pp. 78-81) as a basis for the similar construction of the proof. Next we prove, that different sets can construct the Borel sets [16] (pp. 9-10). Literature [16] (pp. 9-10) and [11] (pp. 11-12) gives an overview, that...
This article presents an alternative approach to statistical moments within non-standard models and by the help of these moments some limit theorems are reformulated and proved.