On Fixed Points Of Generalized Contractions On Probabilistic Metric Spaces
We prove that action of a semigroup on compact metric space by continuous selfmaps is strongly proximal if and only if action on is strongly proximal. As a consequence we prove that affine actions on certain compact convex subsets of finite-dimensional vector spaces are strongly proximal if and only if the action is proximal.
We investigate positive definiteness of the Brownian kernel K(x,y) = 1/2(d(x,x₀) + d(y,x₀) - d(x,y)) on a compact group G and in particular for G = SO(n).
In the present paper the authors prove a weak law of large numbers for multidimensional processes of random elements by means of the random weighting. The results obtained generalize those of Padgett and Taylor.
The author investigates non ergodic versions of several well known limit theorems for strictly stationary processes. In some cases, the assumptions which are given with respect to general invariant measure, guarantee the validity of the theorem with respect to ergodic components of the measure. In other cases, the limit theorem can fail for all ergodic components, while for the original invariant measure it holds.
The paper deals with the following conjecture: if μ is a centered Gaussian measure on a Banach space F,λ > 1, K ⊂ F is a convex, symmetric, closed set, P ⊂ F is a symmetric strip, i.e. P = {x ∈ F : |x'(x)| ≤ 1} for some x' ∈ F', such that μ(K) = μ(P) then μ(λK) ≥ μ(λP). We prove that the conjecture is true under the additional assumption that K is "sufficiently symmetric" with respect to μ, in particular it is true when K is a ball in Hilbert space. As an application we give estimates of Gaussian...