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LAMN property for hidden processes : the case of integrated diffusions

Arnaud Gloter, Emmanuel Gobet (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this paper we prove the Local Asymptotic Mixed Normality (LAMN) property for the statistical model given by the observation of local means of a diffusion process X. Our data are given by ∫01X(s+i)/n dμ(s) for i=0, …, n−1 and the unknown parameter appears in the diffusion coefficient of the process X only. Although the data are neither markovian nor gaussian we can write down, with help of Malliavin calculus, an explicit expression for the log-likelihood of the model, and then study the asymptotic...

Lp-theory for the stochastic heat equation with infinite-dimensional fractional noise

Raluca M. Balan (2011)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this article, we consider the stochastic heat equation d u = ( Δ u + f ( t , x ) ) d t + k = 1 g k ( t , x ) δ β t k , t [ 0 , T ] , with random coefficientsf and gk, driven by a sequence (βk)k of i.i.d. fractional Brownian motions of index H>1/2. Using the Malliavin calculus techniques and a p-th moment maximal inequality for the infinite sum of Skorohod integrals with respect to (βk)k, we prove that the equation has a unique solution (in a Banach space of summability exponent p ≥ 2), and this solution is Hölder continuous in both time and space.

Lp-theory for the stochastic heat equation with infinite-dimensional fractional noise*

Raluca M. Balan (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this article, we consider the stochastic heat equation d u = ( Δ u + f ( t , x ) ) d t + k = 1 g k ( t , x ) δ β t k , t [ 0 , T ] , with random coefficients f and gk, driven by a sequence (βk)k of i.i.d. fractional Brownian motions of index H>1/2. Using the Malliavin calculus techniques and a p-th moment maximal inequality for the infinite sum of Skorohod integrals with respect to (βk)k, we prove that the equation has a unique solution (in a Banach space of summability exponent p ≥ 2), and this solution is Hölder continuous in both time and space.

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