Some extensions of fractional Brownian motion and sub-fractional Brownian motion related to particle systems.
We give an accurate asymptotic estimate for the gap of the generator of a particular interacting particle system. The model we consider may be informally described as follows. A certain number of charged particles moves on the segment [1,L] according to a Markovian law. One unitary charge, positive or negative, jumps from a site k to another site k'=k+1 or k'=k-1 at a rate which depends on the charge at site k and at site k'. The total charge of the system is preserved by the dynamics, in...
We discuss various properties of Probabilistic Cellular Automata, such as the structure of the set of stationary measures and multiplicity of stationary measures (or phase transition) for reversible models.
We discuss various properties of Probabilistic Cellular Automata, such as the structure of the set of stationary measures and multiplicity of stationary measures (or phase transition) for reversible models.
In a general model (AIMD) of transmission control protocol (TCP) used in internet traffic congestion management, the time dependent data flow vector x(t) > 0 undergoes a biased random walk on two distinct scales. The amount of data of each component xi(t) goes up to xi(t)+a with probability 1-ζi(x) on a unit scale or down to γxi(t), 0 < γ < 1 with probability ζi(x) on a logarithmic scale, where ζi depends on the joint state of the system x. We investigate the long time behavior, mean field...