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We study in this paper the convergence rate of the Swendsen-Wang dynamics towards its equilibrium law, when the energy belongs to a large family of energies used in image segmentation problems. We compute the exponential equivalents of the transitions which control the process at low temperature, as well as the critical constant which gives its convergence rate. We give some theoretical tools to compare this dynamics with Metropolis, and develop an experimental study in order to calibrate...
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For a finite measure Λ on [0, 1], the Λ-coalescent is a coalescent process such that, whenever there are b clusters, each k-tuple of clusters merges into one at rate ∫01xk−2(1−x)b−kΛ(dx). It has recently been shown that if 1<α<2, the Λ-coalescent in which Λ is the Beta (2−α, α) distribution can be used to describe the genealogy of a continuous-state branching process (CSBP) with an α-stable branching mechanism. Here we use facts about CSBPs to establish new results about the small-time...
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Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
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The paper concentrates on modeling the data that can be described by a homogeneous or non-homogeneous Poisson process. The goal is to decide whether the intensity of the process is constant or not. In technical practice, e.g., it means to decide whether the reliability of the system remains the same or if it is improving or deteriorating. We assume two situations. First, when only the counts of events are known and, second, when the times between the events are available. Several statistical tests...
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences