Algebraic multigrid smoothing property of Kaczmarz's relaxation for general rectangular linear systems.
We deal with numerical simulation of incompressible flow governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. The problem is discretised using the finite element method, and the arising system of nonlinear equations is solved by Picard iteration. We explore the applicability of the Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) method to nonsymmetric problems arising from such linearisation. One step of BDDC is applied as the preconditioner for the stabilized variant of the biconjugate gradient (BiCGstab)...
This paper extends previous results on nonlinear Schwarz preconditioning (Cai and Keyes 2002) to unstructured finite element elliptic problems exploiting now nonlocal (but small) subspaces. The nonlocal finite element subspaces are associated with subdomains obtained from a non-overlapping element partitioning of the original set of elements and are coarse outside the prescribed element subdomain. The coarsening is based on a modification of the agglomeration based AMGe method proposed in Jones...
An iterative procedure for systems with matrices originalting from the domain decomposition technique is proposed. The procedure introduces one iteration parameter. The convergence and optimization of the method with respect to the parameter is investigated. The method is intended not as a preconditioner for the CG method but for the independent use.
Patch substructuring methods are non-overlapping domain decomposition methods like classical substructuring methods, but they use information from geometric patches reaching into neighboring subdomains condensated, on the interfaces to enhance the performance of the method, while keeping it non-overlapping. These methods are very convenient to use in practice, but their convergence properties have not been studied yet. We analyze geometric patch substructuring methods for the special case of one...
In this paper we present two-level overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for the finite-element discretisation of elliptic problems in two and three dimensions. The computational domain is partitioned into overlapping subdomains, and a coarse space correction is added. We present an algebraic way to define the coarse space, based on the concept of aggregation. This employs a (smoothed) aggregation technique and does not require the introduction of a coarse grid. We consider a set of assumptions...
In this paper we present two-level overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for the finite-element discretisation of elliptic problems in two and three dimensions. The computational domain is partitioned into overlapping subdomains, and a coarse space correction is added. We present an algebraic way to define the coarse space, based on the concept of aggregation. This employs a (smoothed) aggregation technique and does not require the introduction of a coarse grid. We consider a...