Shannon wavelets for the solution of integrodifferential equations.
Markov chain usage models were successfully used to model systems and software. The most prominent approaches are the so-called failure state models Whittaker and Thomason (1994) and the arc-based Bayesian models Sayre and Poore (2000). In this paper we propose arc-based semi-Markov usage models to test systems. We extend previous studies that rely on the Markov chain assumption to the more general semi-Markovian setting. Among the obtained results we give a closed form representation of the first...
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [25, 26] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...
In this paper we introduce numerical schemes for a one-dimensional kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution. In particular, we study the numerical passage of the Boltzmann equation with singular kernel to nonlinear friction equations in the so-called quasi elastic limit. To this aim we introduce a Fourier spectral method for the Boltzmann equation [CITE] and show that the kernel modes that define the spectral method have the correct...