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A backward selection procedure for approximating a discrete probability distribution by decomposable models

Francesco M. Malvestuto (2012)


Decomposable (probabilistic) models are log-linear models generated by acyclic hypergraphs, and a number of nice properties enjoyed by them are known. In many applications the following selection problem naturally arises: given a probability distribution p over a finite set V of n discrete variables and a positive integer k , find a decomposable model with tree-width k that best fits p . If is the generating hypergraph of a decomposable model and p is the estimate of p under the model, we can measure...

A belief revision approach for argumentation-based negotiation agents

Pablo Pilotti, Ana Casali, Carlos Chesñevar (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Negotiation is an interaction that happens in multi-agent systems when agents have conflicting objectives and must look for an acceptable agreement. A typical negotiating situation involves two agents that cannot reach their goals by themselves because they do not have some resources they need or they do not know how to use them to reach their goals. Therefore, they must start a negotiation dialogue, taking also into account that they might have incomplete or wrong beliefs about the other agent's...

A Bimodality Test in High Dimensions

Palejev, Dean (2012)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We present a test for identifying clusters in high dimensional data based on the k-means algorithm when the null hypothesis is spherical normal. We show that projection techniques used for evaluating validity of clusters may be misleading for such data. In particular, we demonstrate that increasingly well-separated clusters are identified as the dimensionality increases, when no such clusters exist. Furthermore, in a case of true bimodality, increasing the dimensionality makes identifying the correct...

A biologically inspired approach to feasible gait learning for a hexapod robot

Dominik Belter, Piotr Skrzypczyński (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The objective of this paper is to develop feasible gait patterns that could be used to control a real hexapod walking robot. These gaits should enable the fastest movement that is possible with the given robot's mechanics and drives on a flat terrain. Biological inspirations are commonly used in the design of walking robots and their control algorithms. However, legged robots differ significantly from their biological counterparts. Hence we believe that gait patterns should be learned using the...

A blind definition of shape

J. L. Lisani, J. M. Morel, L. Rudin (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this note, we propose a general definition of shape which is both compatible with the one proposed in phenomenology (gestaltism) and with a computer vision implementation. We reverse the usual order in Computer Vision. We do not define “shape recognition” as a task which requires a “model” pattern which is searched in all images of a certain kind. We give instead a “blind” definition of shapes relying only on invariance and repetition arguments. Given a set of images , we call shape of this...

A blind definition of shape

J. L. Lisani, J. M. Morel, L. Rudin (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this note, we propose a general definition of shape which is both compatible with the one proposed in phenomenology (gestaltism) and with a computer vision implementation. We reverse the usual order in Computer Vision. We do not define “shape recognition" as a task which requires a “model" pattern which is searched in all images of a certain kind. We give instead a “blind" definition of shapes relying only on invariance and repetition arguments. Given a set of images , we call shape of this...

A bound for the rank-one transient of inhomogeneous matrix products in special case

Arthur Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Sergeĭ Sergeev, Štefan Berežný (2019)


We consider inhomogeneous matrix products over max-plus algebra, where the matrices in the product satisfy certain assumptions under which the matrix products of sufficient length are rank-one, as it was shown in [6] (Shue, Anderson, Dey 1998). We establish a bound on the transient after which any product of matrices whose length exceeds that bound becomes rank-one.

A branch-and-cut algorithm for a resource-constrained scheduling problem

Renaud Sirdey, Hervé L. M. Kerivin (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper is devoted to the exact resolution of a strongly NP-hard resource-constrained scheduling problem, the Process Move Programming problem, which arises in relation to the operability of certain high-availability real-time distributed systems. Based on the study of the polytope defined as the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the admissible process move programs, we present a branch-and-cut algorithm along with extensive computational results demonstrating its practical relevance,...

A Burnside Approach to the Termination of Mohri's Algorithm for Polynomially Ambiguous Min-Plus-Automata

Daniel Kirsten (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We show that the termination of Mohri's algorithm is decidable for polynomially ambiguous weighted finite automata over the tropical semiring which gives a partial answer to a question by Mohri [29]. The proof relies on an improvement of the notion of the twins property and a Burnside type characterization for the finiteness of the set of states produced by Mohri's algorithm.

A. C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Newton's law of gravity

Bartoň, Stanislav, Renčín, Lukáš (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In his famous tetralogy, Space Odyssey, A. C. Clarke called the calculation of a motion of a mass point in the gravitational field of the massive cuboid a classical problem of gravitational mechanics. This article presents a proposal for a solution to this problem in terms of Newton's theory of gravity. First we discuss and generalize Newton's law of gravitation. We then compare the gravitational field created by the cuboid -- monolith, with the gravitational field of the homogeneous sphere. This...

A CAT algorithm for the exhaustive generation of ice piles

Paolo Massazza, Roberto Radicioni (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We present a CAT (constant amortized time) algorithm for generating those partitions of n that are in the ice pile model IPM k (n), a generalization of the sand pile model SPM (n). More precisely, for any fixed integer k, we show that the negative lexicographic ordering naturally identifies a tree structure on the lattice IPM k (n): this lets us design an algorithm which generates all the ice piles of IPM k (n) in amortized time O(1) and in space O( n ).

A CAT algorithm for the exhaustive generation of ice piles

Paolo Massazza, Roberto Radicioni (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We present a CAT (constant amortized time) algorithm for generating those partitions of n that are in the ice pile model IPM k (n), a generalization of the sand pile model SPM (n). More precisely, for any fixed integer k, we show that the negative lexicographic ordering naturally identifies a tree structure on the lattice IPM k (n): this lets us design an algorithm which generates all the ice piles of IPM k (n) in amortized time O(1) and in space O( n ).

A categorical view at generalized concept lattices

Stanislav Krajči (2007)


We continue in the direction of the ideas from the Zhang’s paper [Z] about a relationship between Chu spaces and Formal Concept Analysis. We modify this categorical point of view at a classical concept lattice to a generalized concept lattice (in the sense of Krajči [K1]): We define generalized Chu spaces and show that they together with (a special type of) their morphisms form a category. Moreover we define corresponding modifications of the image / inverse image operator and show their commutativity...

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