Displaying 341 – 360 of 518

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On the growth rates of complexity of threshold languages

Arseny M. Shur, Irina A. Gorbunova (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Threshold languages, which are the (k/(k–1))+-free languages over k-letter alphabets with k ≥ 5, are the minimal infinite power-free languages according to Dejean's conjecture, which is now proved for all alphabets. We study the growth properties of these languages. On the base of obtained structural properties and computer-assisted studies we conjecture that the growth rate of complexity of the threshold language over k letters tends to a constant α ^ 1 . 242 as k tends to infinity.

On the hardness of approximating some NP-optimization problems related to minimum linear ordering problem

Sounaka Mishra, Kripasindhu Sikdar (2001)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We study hardness of approximating several minimaximal and maximinimal NP-optimization problems related to the minimum linear ordering problem (MINLOP). MINLOP is to find a minimum weight acyclic tournament in a given arc-weighted complete digraph. MINLOP is APX-hard but its unweighted version is polynomial time solvable. We prove that MIN-MAX-SUBDAG problem, which is a generalization of MINLOP and requires to find a minimum cardinality maximal acyclic subdigraph of a given digraph, is, however,...

On the Hardness of Approximating Some NP-optimization Problems Related to Minimum Linear Ordering Problem

Sounaka Mishra, Kripasindhu Sikdar (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study hardness of approximating several minimaximal and maximinimal NP-optimization problems related to the minimum linear ordering problem (MINLOP). MINLOP is to find a minimum weight acyclic tournament in a given arc-weighted complete digraph. MINLOP is APX-hard but its unweighted version is polynomial time solvable. We prove that MIN-MAX-SUBDAG problem, which is a generalization of MINLOP and requires to find a minimum cardinality maximal acyclic subdigraph of a given digraph, is, however,...

On the hardness of game equivalence under local isomorphism

Joaquim Gabarró, Alina García, Maria Serna (2013)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We introduce a type of isomorphism among strategic games that we call local isomorphism. Local isomorphisms is a weaker version of the notions of strong and weak game isomorphism introduced in [J. Gabarro, A. Garcia and M. Serna, Theor. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011) 6675–6695]. In a local isomorphism it is required to preserve, for any player, the player’s preferences on the sets of strategy profiles that differ only in the action selected by this player. We show that the game isomorphism problem for...

On the hierarchies of Δ20-real numbers

Xizhong Zheng (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A real number x is called Δ20 if its binary expansion corresponds to a Δ20-set of natural numbers. Such reals are just the limits of computable sequences of rational numbers and hence also called computably approximable. Depending on how fast the sequences converge, Δ20-reals have different levels of effectiveness. This leads to various hierarchies of Δ20 reals. In this survey paper we summarize several recent developments related to such kind of hierarchies shown by the author and his collaborators. ...

On the Horton-Strahler Number for Combinatorial Tries

Markus E. Nebel (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In this paper we investigate the average Horton-Strahler number of all possible tree-structures of binary tries. For that purpose we consider a generalization of extended binary trees where leaves are distinguished in order to represent the location of keys within a corresponding trie. Assuming a uniform distribution for those trees we prove that the expected Horton-Strahler number of a tree with α internal nodes and β leaves that correspond to a key is asymptotically given by 4 2 β - α log ( α ) ( 2 β - 1 ) ( α + 1 ) ( α + 2 ) 2 α + 1 α - 1 8 π α 3 / 2 log ( 2 ) ( β - 1 ) β 2 β β 2 provided that α...

On the Influence of the State Encoding on OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines

Christoph Meinel, Thorsten Theobald (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Ordered binary decision diagrams are an important data structure for the representation of Boolean functions. Typically, the underlying variable ordering is used as an optimization parameter. When finite state machines are represented by OBDDs the state encoding can be used as an additional optimization parameter. In this paper, we analyze the influence of the state encoding on the OBDD-representations of counter-type finite state machines. In particular, we prove lower bounds, derive exact...

On the invertibility of finite linear transducers

Ivone Amorim, António Machiavelo, Rogério Reis (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Linear finite transducers underlie a series of schemes for Public Key Cryptography (PKC) proposed in the 90s of the last century. The uninspiring and arid language then used, condemned these works to oblivion. Although some of these schemes were afterwards shown to be insecure, the promise of a new system of PKC relying on different complexity assumptions is still quite exciting. The algorithms there used depend heavily on the results of invertibility of linear transducers. In this paper we introduce...

On the learning of weights in some aggregation operators: the weigthed mean and OWA operators.

Vicenç Torra (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We study the determination of weights for two types of aggregation operators: the weighted mean and the OWA operator. We assume that there is at our disposal a set of examples for which the outcome of the aggregation operator is known. In the case of the OWA operator, we compare the results obtained by our method with another one in the literature. We show that the optimal weighting vector is reached with less cost.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 518