Mathematical foundation of digital signatures.
We answer to a question of De Luca and Restivo whether there exists a circular code which is maximal as circular code and not as code.
We answer to a question of De Luca and Restivo whether there exists a circular code which is maximal as circular code and not as code.
An (f, g)-semi-matching in a bipartite graph G = (U ∪ V,E) is a set of edges M ⊆ E such that each vertex u ∈ U is incident with at most f(u) edges of M, and each vertex v ∈ V is incident with at most g(v) edges of M. In this paper we give an algorithm that for a graph with n vertices and m edges, n ≤ m, constructs a maximum (f, g)-semi-matching in running time O(m ⋅ min [...] ) Using the reduction of [5] our result on maximum (f, g)-semi-matching problem directly implies an algorithm for the optimal...
The Relational Equations approach is one of the most usual ones for describing (Fuzzy) Systems and in most cases, it is the final expression for other descriptions. This is why the identification of Relational Equations from a set of examples has received considerable atention in the specialized literature. This paper is devoted to this topic, more specifically to the topic of max-min neural networks for identification. Three methods of learning Fuzzy Systems are developed by combining the most...