Displaying 221 – 240 of 948

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Construction of a Deterministic ω-Automaton Using Derivatives

Roman R. Redziejowski (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A deterministic automaton recognizing a given ω-regular language is constructed from an ω-regular expression with the help of derivatives. The construction is related to Safra's algorithm, in about the same way as the classical derivative method is related to the subset construction.

Construction of tree automata from regular expressions

Dietrich Kuske, Ingmar Meinecke (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Since recognizable tree languages are closed under the rational operations, every regular tree expression denotes a recognizable tree language. We provide an alternative proof to this fact that results in smaller tree automata. To this aim, we transfer Antimirov's partial derivatives from regular word expressions to regular tree expressions. For an analysis of the size of the resulting automaton as well as for algorithmic improvements, we also transfer the methods of Champarnaud and Ziadi from words...

Construction of tree automata from regular expressions

Dietrich Kuske, Ingmar Meinecke (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Since recognizable tree languages are closed under the rational operations, every regular tree expression denotes a recognizable tree language. We provide an alternative proof to this fact that results in smaller tree automata. To this aim, we transfer Antimirov's partial derivatives from regular word expressions to regular tree expressions. For an analysis of the size of the resulting automaton as well as for algorithmic improvements, we also transfer the methods of Champarnaud and Ziadi...

Conversion of regular expressions into realtime automata

Viliam Geffert, L'ubomíra Ištoňová (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We consider conversions of regular expressions into k-realtime finite state automata, i.e., automata in which the number of consecutive uses of ε-transitions, along any computation path, is bounded by a fixed constant k. For 2-realtime automata, i.e., for automata that cannot change the state, without reading an input symbol, more than two times in a row, we show that the conversion of a regular expression into such an automaton produces only O(n) states, O(nlogn) ε-transitions, and O(n) alphabet-transitions....

Conway's Games and Some of their Basic Properties

Robin Nittka (2011)

Formalized Mathematics

We formulate a few basic concepts of J. H. Conway's theory of games based on his book [6]. This is a first step towards formalizing Conway's theory of numbers into Mizar, which is an approach to proving the existence of a FIELD (i.e., a proper class that satisfies the axioms of a real-closed field) that includes the reals and ordinals, thus providing a uniform, independent and simple approach to these two constructions that does not go via the rational numbers and hence does for example not need...


Joffroy Beauquier (1979)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Corrigendum to our paper: How Expressions Can Code for Automata

Sylvain Lombardy, Jacques Sakarovitch (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In a previous paper, we have described the construction of an automaton from a rational expression which has the property that the automaton built from an expression which is itself computed from a co-deterministic automaton by the state elimination method is co-deterministic. It turned out that the definition on which the construction is based was inappropriate, and thus the proof of the property was flawed. We give here the correct definition of the broken derived terms of an...

D0L sequence equivalence is in P for fixed alphabets

Keijo Ruohonen (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

A new algorithm is presented for the D0L sequence equivalence problem which, when the alphabets are fixed, works in time polynomial in the rest of the input data. The algorithm uses a polynomial encoding of words and certain well-known properties of -rational sequences.

D0L sequence equivalence is in P for fixed alphabets

Keijo Ruohonen (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A new algorithm is presented for the D0L sequence equivalence problem which, when the alphabets are fixed, works in time polynomial in the rest of the input data. The algorithm uses a polynomial encoding of words and certain well-known properties of -rational sequences.

Decidability of code properties

Henning Fernau, Klaus Reinhardt, Ludwig Staiger (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We explore the borderline between decidability and undecidability of the following question: “Let C be a class of codes. Given a machine 𝔐 of type X, is it decidable whether the language L ( 𝔐 ) lies in C or not?” for codes in general, ω-codes, codes of finite and bounded deciphering delay, prefix, suffix and bi(pre)fix codes, and for finite automata equipped with different versions of push-down stores and counters.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 948