The coupled problem of a solid oscillating in a viscous fluid under the action of an elastic force.
We start by formulating geometrically the Newton’s law for a classical free particle in terms of Riemannian geometry, as pattern for subsequent developments. For constrained systems we have intrinsic and extrinsic viewpoints, with respect to the environmental space. Multi–particle systems are modelled on -th products of the pattern model. We apply the above scheme to discrete rigid systems. We study the splitting of the tangent and cotangent environmental space into the three components of center...
A new algorithm for finding separation coordinates is tested on the example of Kowalev ski’s top.
We discuss the motion of the three-dimensional rigid body about a fixed point under the influence of gravity, more specifically from the point of view of its symplectic structures and its constants of the motion. An obvious symmetry reduces the problem to a Hamiltonian flow on a four-dimensional submanifold of ; they are the customary Euler-Poisson equations. This symplectic manifold can also be regarded as a coadjoint orbit of the Lie algebra of the semi-direct product group with its natural...
The paper deals with asymptotic motions of 3-parametric robot manipulators with parallel rotational axes. To describe them we use the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. An example of such motions are motions with the zero Coriolis accelerations. We will show that there are asymptotic motions with nonzero Coriolis accelerations. We introduce the notions of the Klein subspace, the Coriolis subspace and show their relation to asymptotic motions of robot manipulators. The asymptotic motions are...