Impédance d'une plaque élastique reliée en trois points à un support rigide vibrant
Estimates for the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration on the approximation of (simple) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 4th order eigenvalue problems with variable/constant coefficients in convex domains with curved boundary by an isoparametric mixed finite element method, which, in the particular case of bending problems of aniso-/ortho-/isotropic plates with variable/constant thickness, gives a simultaneous approximation to bending moment tensor field and displacement...
Estimates for the combined effect of boundary approximation and numerical integration on the approximation of (simple) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 4th order eigenvalue problems with variable/constant coefficients in convex domains with curved boundary by an isoparametric mixed finite element method, which, in the particular case of bending problems of aniso-/ortho-/isotropic plates with variable/constant thickness, gives a simultaneous approximation to bending moment tensor field and displacement...