Boundary behavior of capillary surfaces possibly with extremal boundary angles.
We consider the propagation of internal waves at the interface between two layers of immiscrible fluids of different densities, under the rigid lid assumption, with the presence of surface tension and with uneven bottoms. We are interested in the case where the flow has a Boussinesq structure in both the upper and lower fluid domains. Following the global strategy introduced recently by Bona, Lannes and Saut [J. Math. Pures Appl. 89 (2008)], we derive an asymptotic model in this regime, namely the...
We determine the steady-state structures that result from liquid-liquid demixing in a free surface film of binary liquid on a solid substrate. The considered model corresponds to the static limit of the diffuse interface theory describing the phase separation process for a binary liquid (model-H), when supplemented by boundary conditions at the free surface and taking the influence of the solid substrate into account. The resulting variational problem...
We study the height of a liquid in a tube when it contains a great number of thin vertical bars and when its border is finely strained. For this, one uses an epi-convergence method.
We deal with numerical analysis and simulations of the Davey-Stewartson equations which model, for example, the evolution of water surface waves. This time dependent PDE system is particularly interesting as a generalization of the 1-d integrable NLS to 2 space dimensions. We use a time splitting spectral method where we give a convergence analysis for the semi-discrete version of the scheme. Numerical results are presented for various blow-up phenomena of the equation, including blowup of defocusing,...
We deal with numerical analysis and simulations of the Davey-Stewartson equations which model, for example, the evolution of water surface waves. This time dependent PDE system is particularly interesting as a generalization of the 1-d integrable NLS to 2 space dimensions. We use a time splitting spectral method where we give a convergence analysis for the semi-discrete version of the scheme. Numerical results are presented for various blow-up phenomena of the equation, including blowup of defocusing,...
Nous considérons l'équation d'Euler pour un fluide incompressible dans un domaine borné régulier du plan. Pour une donnée initiale avec un tourbillon de type poche, i.e valant 1 sur un ouvert lisse à bord höldérien et 0 en dehors, nous prouvons l'existence d'une solution de même type, pour tout temps si la poche initiale est décollée du bord du domaine et seulement localement en temps si la poche initiale est tangente au bord. Nous contrôlons l'influence du bord grâce à la théorie des problèmes...