A calculus of observables on a Dirac particle
En esta nota se presenta en primer lugar una introducción autocontenida a la cohomología de álgebras de Lie, y en segundo lugar algunas de sus aplicaciones recientes en matemáticas y física.
We show that a graded commutative algebra A with any square zero odd differential operator is a natural generalization of a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra. While such an operator of order 2 defines a Gerstenhaber (Lie) algebra structure on A, an operator of an order higher than 2 (Koszul-Akman definition) leads to the structure of a strongly homotopy Lie algebra (-algebra) on A. This allows us to give a definition of a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra up to homotopy. We also make a conjecture which is a...
We shall give a survey of classical examples, together with algebraic methods to deal with those structures: graded algebra, cohomologies, cohomology operations. The corresponding geometric structures will be described(e.g., Lie algebroids), with particular emphasis on supergeometry, odd supersymplectic structures and their classification. Finally, we shall explain how BV-structures appear in Quantum Field Theory, as a version of functional integral quantization.
We show that the generating function for the higher Weil–Petersson volumes of the moduli spaces of stable curves with marked points can be obtained from Witten’s free energy by a change of variables given by Schur polynomials. Since this generating function has a natural extension to the moduli space of invertible Cohomological Field Theories, this suggests the existence of a “very large phase space”, correlation functions on which include Hodge integrals studied by C. Faber and R. Pandharipande....
The abstract mathematical structure behind the positive energy quantization of linear classical systems is described. It is separated into three stages: the description of a classical system, the algebraic quantization and the Hilbert space quantization. Four kinds of systems are distinguished: neutral bosonic, neutral bosonic, charged bosonic and charged fermionic. The formalism that is described follows closely the usual constructions employed in quantum physics to introduce noninteracting quantum...
We introduce a 1-cocycle on the group of diffeomorphisms Diff(M) of a smooth manifold M endowed with a projective connection. This cocycle represents a nontrivial cohomology class of Diff(M) related to the Diff(M)-modules of second order linear differential operators on M. In the one-dimensional case, this cocycle coincides with the Schwarzian derivative, while, in the multi-dimensional case, it represents its natural and new generalization. This work is a continuation of [3] where the same problems...