Displaying 101 – 120 of 294

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Fluides incompressibles horizontalement visqueux

Marius Paicu (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Motivé par l'étude des fluides tournants entre deux plaques, nous considérons l'équation tridimensionnelle de Navier-Stokes incompressible avec viscosité verticale nulle. Nous démontrons l'existence locale et l'unicité de la solution dans un espace critique (invariant par le changement d'échelle de l'équation). La solution est globale en temps si la donnée initiale est petite par rapport à la viscosité horizontale. Nous obtenons l'unicité de la solution dans un espace plus grand que l'espace des...

Generalized method of least squares collocation

Ludmila Kubáčková, Lubomír Kubáček (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

Two general solutions of the collocation problem of physical geodesy are given. Their mutual equivalency and equivalency of them to the classical solution in the regular case are proved. The regularity means the non-singularity of the covariance matrix of those random variables by outcomes of which the measured values of the gravitational field are generated.

Gravimetric quasigeoid in Slovakia by the finite element method

Zuzana Fašková, Karol Mikula, Róbert Čunderlík, Juraj Janák, Michal Šprlák (2007)


The paper presents the solution to the geodetic boundary value problem by the finite element method in area of Slovak Republic. Generally, we have made two numerical experiments. In the first one, Neumann BC in the form of gravity disturbances generated from EGM-96 is used and the solution is verified by the quasigeoidal heights generated directly from EGM-96. In the second one, Neumann BC is computed from gravity measurements and the solution is compared to the quasigeoidal heights obtained by...

Heavy tailed durations of regional rainfall

Harry Pavlopoulos, Jan Picek, Jana Jurečková (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

Durations of rain events and drought events over a given region provide important information about the water resources of the region. Of particular interest is the shape of upper tails of the probability distributions of such durations. Recent research suggests that the underlying probability distributions of such durations have heavy tails of hyperbolic type, across a wide range of spatial scales from 2 km to 120 km. These findings are based on radar measurements of spatially averaged rain rate...

Inhomogeneous Fractional Diffusion Equations

Baeumer, Boris, Kurita, Satoko, Meerschaert, Mark (2005)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 35S10, 86A05Fractional diffusion equations are abstract partial differential equations that involve fractional derivatives in space and time. They are useful to model anomalous diffusion, where a plume of particles spreads in a different manner than the classical diffusion equation predicts. An initial value problem involving a space-fractional diffusion equation is an abstract Cauchy problem, whose analytic solution can be written...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 294