Retailer’S Replenishment Policies Under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments
A production inventory problem with limited backlogging and with stockouts is described in a discrete time, stochastic optimal control framework with finite horizon. It is proved by dynamic programming methods that an optimal policy is of (s,S)-type. This means that in every period the policy is completely determined by two fixed levels of the stochastic inventory process considered.
This paper proposes a specialized LP-algorithm for a sub problem arising in simple Profit maximising Lot-sizing. The setting involves a single (and multi) item production system with negligible set-up costs/times and limited production capacity. The producer faces a monopolistic market with given time-varying linear demand curves.
This paper deals with an unreliable manufacturing system in which limited backlog is allowed. An admissible production policy is described by two decision parameters: upper and lower hedging points. The objective is to find the optimum hedging points so as to minimize the long run average expected cost under an additional condition. The condition expresses a constraint for the limiting probability of the event that the system stays at the lower hedging point, which corresponds to a limit of backlog....
Sea G un grafo no dirigido con n vértices y m aristas. Un p-Centro de G es un conjunto de p puntos en el que se minimiza la distancia al vértice más lejano. Esta distancia mínima es el p-Radio de G. Un Centro Local es un punto c a la misma distancia (llamada rango del centro local) de un conjunto no vacío de vértices que no son todos accesibles a través de un mismo vértice adyacente a c. Todo p-radio es el rango de algún centro local, por tanto, para resolver el problema del p-centro basta encontrar...