Application of Empirical Bayesian Estimation to the Optimal Decision of a Server-Dependent Queuing System
In a multi server queuing system, buffer size is often larger than the number of servers. This necessitates queuing and waiting for some customers. Customers become impatient while waiting for service. Additionally, they may also become impatient if service is not offered at the desired rate. This paper analyses a finite buffer multi server queuing system with the additional restriction that customers may balk as well as renege. Closed form expressions of a number of performance measures are presented....
In a multi server queuing system, buffer size is often larger than the number of servers. This necessitates queuing and waiting for some customers. Customers become impatient while waiting for service. Additionally, they may also become impatient if service is not offered at the desired rate. This paper analyses a finite buffer multi server queuing system with the additional restriction that customers may balk as well as renege. Closed form expressions...
Este artículo expone un método para el cálculo del número medio de máquinas en funcionamiento en un sistema formado por un operario y N máquinas iguales, con tiempos exponenciales de funcionamiento entre averías y tiempos de servicio aleatorios, idéntica e independientemente distribuidos. El modelo generaliza las conocidas fórmulas que se obtienen a partir de los modelos M/M/1 con centro emisor finito y de Ashcroft, que suelen utilizarse para el problema de asignación de máquinas.
In this paper we propose a family of finite approximations for the departure process of an ME/ME/1 queue indexed by a parameter defined as the system size of the finite approximation. The approximations capture the interdeparture times from an ME/ME/1 queue exactly and preserve the lag correlations of inter-event times of the departures from an ME/ME/1 queue up to lag .
In this paper we propose a family of finite approximations for the departure process of an ME/ME/1 queue indexed by a parameter k defined as the system size of the finite approximation. The approximations capture the interdeparture times from an ME/ME/1 queue exactly and preserve the lag correlations of inter-event times of the departures from an ME/ME/1 queue up to lag (k - 1).