The assignment problem with three job categories
In this paper we consider the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem, in which a fleet of K vehicles, all of them based on a specific vertex (the depot) and with a known capacity Q, must service a subset of the edges of the graph, with minimum total cost and such that the load assigned to each vehicle does not exceed its capacity.A heuristic algorithm for this problem is proposed consisting of: the selection of K centers, the construction of K connected graphs with associated loads not exceeding the vehicle...
Most location problems on networks consider discrete nodal demand. However, for many problems, demands are better represented by continuous functions along the edges, in addition to nodal demands. Several papers consider the optimal location problem of one or more facilities when demands are continuously distributed along the network, and the objective function dealt with is the median one. Nevertheless, in location of public services it is desirable to use an equity criterion. One of the latter...
Wireless LAN using IEEE 802.11 networks are now widely deployed at home by residential users or in hot spots by telecommunication operators. A hot spot is a place where a set of access points (APs) are located nearby each other and can serve many users. Since perturbations can degrade the quality of the signal, a careful channel assignment to each AP has to be done. Channel assignment of APs at hot spots, and more generally setup configuration and management, is still often done manually. In this...
Wireless LAN using IEEE 802.11 networks are now widely deployed at home by residential users or in hot spots by telecommunication operators. A hot spot is a place where a set of access points (APs) are located nearby each other and can serve many users. Since perturbations can degrade the quality of the signal, a careful channel assignment to each AP has to be done. Channel assignment of APs at hot spots, and more generally setup configuration and management, is still often done manually. In this...