Displaying 41 – 60 of 73

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Problema de contratación de carretilleros para un almacén de productos manufacturados.

Cristina Rocío Delgado, Silvia Casado, Jesús Francisco Alegre (2002)


En este trabajo se analiza un problema planteado recientemente a sus autores por una empresa fabricante de componentes de automóviles. Dicha empresa almacena sus productos manufacturados hasta que los clientes (compradores) pasan a recogerlos. Los clientes solicitan sus productos con una frecuencia conocida. Se trata de determinar, en función de dichas frecuencias, en qué fechas y a qué horas o slots han de pasar los clientes a recoger sus pedidos. Fijado el horizonte temporal objeto de estudio,...

Process parameter prediction via markov models of sub-activities

Lino G. Marujo, Raad Y. Qassim (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This work aims to fill a lacunae in the project-oriented production systems literature providing a formal analytic description of the rework effects formulae and the determination of the extended design time due to a certain degree of overlapping in a pair of activities. It is made through the utilization of concepts of workflow construction with hidden (semi) Markov models theory and establishing a way to disaggregate activities into sub-activities, in order to determine the activity parameters...

Product form solution for g-networks with dependent service

Pavel Bocharov, Ciro D'Apice, Evgeny Gavrilov, Alexandre Pechinkin (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We consider a G-network with Poisson flow of positive customers. Each positive customer entering the network is characterized by a set of stochastic parameters: customer route, the length of customer route, customer volume and his service length at each route stage as well. The following node types are considered: (0) an exponential node with c n servers, infinite buffer and FIFO discipline; (1) an infinite-server node; (2) a single-server node with infinite buffer and LIFO PR discipline; (3) a single-server...

Product form solution for g-networks with dependent service

Pavel Bocharov, Ciro D'Apice, Evgeny Gavrilov, Alexandre Pechinkin (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We consider a G-network with Poisson flow of positive customers. Each positive customer entering the network is characterized by a set of stochastic parameters: customer route, the length of customer route, customer volume and his service length at each route stage as well. The following node types are considered: Negative customers arriving at each node also form a Poisson flow. A negative customer entering a node with k customers in service, with probability 1/k chooses one of served positive customer...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 73