Optimal control of a batch service queueing system with bounded waiting time
This paper deals with the optimization of total setup plus inventory cost of a certain class of the multistage inventory-production systems with the series arranged production stages having generally different production rates, separated by stores from each other. The optimization is made by the choice of lot sizes across an infinite time horizon. The exact cost-optimization algorithm based on the Bellman optimality principle is derived and applied for deriving two lower bounds of the optimal cost...
In the framework of transport theory, we are interested in the following optimization problem: given the distributions of working people and of their working places in an urban area, build a transportation network (such as a railway or an underground system) which minimizes a functional depending on the geometry of the network through a particular cost function. The functional is defined as the Wasserstein distance of from with respect to a metric which depends on the transportation network....
In the framework of transport theory, we are interested in the following optimization problem: given the distributions µ+ of working people and µ- of their working places in an urban area, build a transportation network (such as a railway or an underground system) which minimizes a functional depending on the geometry of the network through a particular cost function. The functional is defined as the Wasserstein distance of µ+ from µ- with respect to a metric which depends on the transportation...
This paper considers two backup schemes for a database system: a database is updated at a nonhomogeneous Poisson process and an amount of updated files accumulates additively. To ensure the safety of data, full backups are performed at time or when the total updated files have exceeded a threshold level , and between them, cumulative backups as one of incremental backups are made at periodic times
This paper considers two backup schemes for a database system: a database is updated at a nonhomogeneous Poisson process and an amount of updated files accumulates additively. To ensure the safety of data, full backups are performed at time NT or when the total updated files have exceeded a threshold level K, and between them, cumulative backups as one of incremental backups are made at periodic times iT(i = 1,2,...,N - 1). Using the theory of cumulative processes, the expected cost is obtained,...