Displaying 281 – 300 of 1947

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Approximate Aggregation Methods in Discrete Time Stochastic Population Models

L. Sanz, J. A. Alonso (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Approximate aggregation techniques consist of introducing certain approximations that allow one to reduce a complex system involving many coupled variables obtaining a simpler ʽʽaggregated systemʼʼ governed by a few variables. Moreover, they give results that allow one to extract information about the complex original system in terms of the behavior of the reduced one. Often, the feature that allows one to carry out such a reduction is the presence...

Approximation of nonconical preference relations in multiple-criteria decision problems.

M.ª de los Angeles Casares de Cal (1992)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Our work field is Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Problems. We study the binary relations, not necessarily conical, that represent the decisor's preferences in the Objective or Outcome Space, we approach them by using cones and we explore under what conditions this approximation can retrieve the entire information of these binary relations.

Approximation of stochastic differential equations driven by α-stable Lévy motion

Aleksander Janicki, Zbigniew Michna, Aleksander Weron (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae

In this paper we present a result on convergence of approximate solutions of stochastic differential equations involving integrals with respect to α-stable Lévy motion. We prove an appropriate weak limit theorem, which does not follow from known results on stability properties of stochastic differential equations driven by semimartingales. It assures convergence in law in the Skorokhod topology of sequences of approximate solutions and justifies discrete time schemes applied in computer simulations....

Approximations of dynamic Nash games with general state and action spaces and ergodic costs for the players

Tomasz Bielecki (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The purpose of this paper is to prove existence of an ε -equilib- rium point in a dynamic Nash game with Borel state space and long-run time average cost criteria for the players. The idea of the proof is first to convert the initial game with ergodic costs to an ``equivalent" game endowed with discounted costs for some appropriately chosen value of the discount factor, and then to approximate the discounted Nash game obtained in the first step with a countable state space game for which existence...

Arbitrage and pricing in a general model with flows

Jan Palczewski (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We study a fundamental issue in the theory of modeling of financial markets. We consider a model where any investment opportunity is described by its cash flows. We allow for a finite number of transactions in a finite time horizon. Each transaction is held at a random moment. This places our model closer to the real world situation than discrete-time or continuous-time models. Moreover, our model creates a general framework to consider markets with different types of imperfection: proportional...

Arbitrage for simple strategies

Agnieszka Rygiel, Łukasz Stettner (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Various aspects of arbitrage on finite horizon continuous time markets using simple strategies consisting of a finite number of transactions are studied. Special attention is devoted to transactions without shortselling, in which we are not allowed to borrow assets. The markets without or with proportional transaction costs are considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for absence of arbitrage are shown.

Are law-invariant risk functions concave on distributions?

Beatrice Acciaio, Gregor Svindland (2013)

Dependence Modeling

While it is reasonable to assume that convex combinations on the level of random variables lead to a reduction of risk (diversification effect), this is no more true on the level of distributions. In the latter case, taking convex combinations corresponds to adding a risk factor. Hence, whereas asking for convexity of risk functions defined on random variables makes sense, convexity is not a good property to require on risk functions defined on distributions. In this paper we study the interplay...

Arrow-Hahn economic models with weakened conditions of continuity

Inese Bula, Dace Rika (2006)

Banach Center Publications

In this article we give descriptions of some economic models that are based on Arrow-Hahn economic model. Finally we consider a model with two major assumptions: first, there is discontinuous excess demand function and, second, if price goes to zero, then it is possible that excess demand may approach infinity. For this last new economic model the existence of quasi-equilibrium is proved.

Asignación de recursos Max-Min: propiedades y algoritmos.

Amparo Mármol Conde, Blas Pelegrín Pelegrín (1991)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Este trabajo trata el problema de asignación de recursos cuando el objetivo es maximizar la mínima recompensa y las funciones recompensa son continuas y estrictamente crecientes. Se estudian diferentes propiedades que conducen a algoritmos que permiten de forma eficiente la resolución de gran variedad de problemas de esta naturaleza, tanto con variables continuas como discretas.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 1947