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A priori error estimates for reduced order models in finance

Ekkehard W. Sachs, Matthias Schu (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Mathematical models for option pricing often result in partial differential equations. Recent enhancements are models driven by Lévy processes, which lead to a partial differential equation with an additional integral term. In the context of model calibration, these partial integro differential equations need to be solved quite frequently. To reduce the computational cost the implementation of a reduced order model has shown to be very successful numerically. In this paper we give a priori error...

A probability density function estimation using F-transform

Michal Holčapek, Tomaš Tichý (2010)


The aim of this paper is to propose a new approach to probability density function (PDF) estimation which is based on the fuzzy transform (F-transform) introduced by Perfilieva in [10]. Firstly, a smoothing filter based on the combination of the discrete direct and continuous inverse F-transform is introduced and some of the basic properties are investigated. Next, an alternative approach to PDF estimation based on the proposed smoothing filter is established and compared with the most used method...

A stochastic programming approach to managing liquid asset portfolios

Helgard Raubenheimer, Machiel F. Kruger (2010)


Maintaining liquid asset portfolios involves a high carry cost and is mandatory by law for most financial institutions. Taking this into account a financial institution's aim is to manage a liquid asset portfolio in an “optimal” way, such that it keeps the minimum required liquid assets to comply with regulations. In this paper we propose a multi-stage dynamic stochastic programming model for liquid asset portfolio management. The model allows for portfolio rebalancing decisions over a multi-period...

Almost log-optimal trading strategies for small transaction costs in model with stochastic coefficients

Petr Dostál (2022)


We consider a non-consuming agent investing in a stock and a money market interested in the portfolio market price far in the future. We derive a strategy which is almost log-optimal in the long run in the presence of small proportional transaction costs for the case when the rate of return and the volatility of the stock market price are bounded It o processes with bounded coefficients and when the volatility is bounded away from zero.

An approximation formula for the price of credit default swaps under the fast-mean reversion volatility model

Xin-Jiang He, Wenting Chen (2019)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the pricing of credit default swaps (CDSs) with the reference asset assumed to follow a geometric Brownian motion with a fast mean-reverting stochastic volatility, which is often observed in the financial market. To establish the pricing mechanics of the CDS, we set up a default model, under which the fair price of the CDS containing the unknown “no default” probability is derived first. It is shown that the “no default” probability is equivalent to the price of a down-and-out binary...

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