Input to state stability properties of nonlinear systems and applications to bounded feedback stabilization using saturation
The concepts of stability, attractivity and asymptotic stability for systems subject to restrictions of the input values are introduced and analyzed in terms of Lyapunov functions. A comparison with the well known input-to-state stability property introduced by Sontag is provided. We use these concepts in order to derive sufficient conditions for global stabilization for triangular and feedforward systems by means of saturated bounded feedback controllers and also recover some recent results...
We consider the system (ẋ(t) ≡ dx(t)/dt), where x(t) is the state, u(t) is the input, R(τ),R̃(τ) are matrix-valued functions, and F is a causal (Volterra) mapping. Such equations enable us to consider various classes of systems from the unified point of view. Explicit input-to-state stability conditions in terms of the L²-norm are derived. Our main tool is the norm estimates for the matrix resolvents, as well as estimates for fundamental solutions of the linear parts of the considered systems,...
We consider one-dimensional affine control systems. We show that if such a system is stabilizable by means of a continuous, time-invariant feedback, then it can be made input-to-state stable with respect to measurement disturbances, using a continuous, periodic time-varying feedback. We provide counter-examples showing that the result does not generally hold if we want the feedback to be time-invariant or if the control system is not supposed affine.
This paper is concerned with integral control of systems with hysteresis. Using an input-output approach, it is shown that application of integral control to the series interconnection of either (a) a hysteretic input nonlinearity, an L2-stable, time-invariant linear system and a non-decreasing globally Lipschitz static output nonlinearity, or (b) an L2-stable, time-invariant linear system and a hysteretic output nonlinearity, guarantees, under certain assumptions, tracking of constant reference...
The problem of invariant output tracking is considered: given a control system admitting a symmetry group , design a feedback such that the closed-loop system tracks a desired output reference and is invariant under the action of . Invariant output errors are defined as a set of scalar invariants of ; they are calculated with the Cartan moving frame method. It is shown that standard tracking methods based on input-output linearization can be applied to these invariant errors to yield the required...
The problem of invariant output tracking is considered: given a control system admitting a symmetry group G, design a feedback such that the closed-loop system tracks a desired output reference and is invariant under the action of G. Invariant output errors are defined as a set of scalar invariants of G; they are calculated with the Cartan moving frame method. It is shown that standard tracking methods based on input-output linearization can be applied to these invariant errors to yield the...