Displaying 21 – 40 of 120

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Several results on set-valued possibilistic distributions

Ivan Kramosil, Milan Daniel (2015)


When proposing and processing uncertainty decision-making algorithms of various kinds and purposes, we more and more often meet probability distributions ascribing non-numerical uncertainty degrees to random events. The reason is that we have to process systems of uncertainties for which the classical conditions like σ -additivity or linear ordering of values are too restrictive to define sufficiently closely the nature of uncertainty we would like to specify and process. In cases of non-numerical...

Signal reconstruction from given phase of the Fourier transform using Fejér monotone methods

Dieter Schott (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The aim is to reconstruct a signal function x ∈ L₂ if the phase of the Fourier transform [x̂] and some additional a-priori information of convex type are known. The problem can be described as a convex feasibility problem. We solve this problem by different Fejér monotone iterative methods comparing the results and discussing the choice of relaxation parameters. Since the a-priori information is partly related to the spectral space the Fourier transform and its inverse have to be applied in each...

Signals generated in memristive circuits

Artur Sowa (2012)

Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications

Signals generated in circuits that include nano-structured elements typically have strongly distinct characteristics, particularly the hysteretic distortion. This is due to memristance, which is one of the key electronic properties of nanostructured materials. In this article, we consider signals generated from a memrsitive circuit model. We demonstrate numerically that such signals can be efficiently represented in certain custom-designed nonorthogonal bases. The proposed method ensures that the...

Signatura of magic and Latin integer squares: isentropic clans and indexing

Ian Cameron, Adam Rogers, Peter D. Loly (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The 2010 study of the Shannon entropy of order nine Sudoku and Latin square matrices by Newton and DeSalvo [Proc. Roy. Soc. A 2010] is extended to natural magic and Latin squares up to order nine. We demonstrate that decimal and integer measures of the Singular Value sets, here named SV clans, are a powerful way of comparing different integer squares. Several complete sets of magic and Latin squares are included, including the order eight Franklin subset which is of direct relevance...

Signed directed graph based modeling and its validation from process knowledge and process data

Fan Yang, Sirish L. Shah, Deyun Xiao (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper is concerned with the fusion of information from process data and process connectivity and its subsequent use in fault diagnosis and process hazard assessment. The Signed Directed Graph (SDG), as a graphical model for capturing process topology and connectivity to show the causal relationships between process variables by material and information paths, has been widely used in root cause and hazard propagation analysis. An SDG is usually built based on process knowledge as described by...

Similarity in fuzzy reasoning.

Frank Klawonn, Juan Luis Castro (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy set theory is based on a `fuzzification' of the predicate in (element of), the concept of membership degrees is considered as fundamental. In this paper we elucidate the connection between indistinguishability modelled by fuzzy equivalence relations and fuzzy sets. We show that the indistinguishability inherent to fuzzy sets can be computed and that this indistinguishability cannot be overcome in approximate reasoning. For our investigations we generalize from the unit interval as the basis...

S-implications and R -implications on a finite chain

Margarita Mas, Miquel Monserrat, Joan Torrens (2004)


This paper is devoted to the study of two kinds of implications on a finite chain L : S -implications and R -implications. A characterization of each kind of these operators is given and a lot of different implications on L are obtained, not only from smooth t-norms but also from non smooth ones. Some additional properties on these implications are studied specially in the smooth case. Finally, a class of non smooth t-norms including the nilpotent minimum is characterized. Any t-norm in this class...

Singular fractional linear systems and electrical circuits

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A new class of singular fractional linear systems and electrical circuits is introduced. Using the Caputo definition of the fractional derivative, the Weierstrass regular pencil decomposition and the Laplace transformation, the solution to the state equation of singular fractional linear systems is derived. It is shown that every electrical circuit is a singular fractional system if it contains at least one mesh consisting of branches only with an ideal supercapacitor and voltage sources or at least...

Singular Perturbations For Heart Image Segmentation Tracking

J. Pousin (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this note we give a result of convergence when time goes to infinity for a quasi static linear elastic model, the elastic tensor of which vanishes at infinity. This method is applied to segmentation of medical images, and improves the 'elastic deformable template' model introduced previously.

Sobolev Type Decomposition of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Space with Application to Sampling Theory

Dryanov, Dimiter (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A12, 94A20, 30D20, 41A05.We characterize Paley-Wiener-Schwartz space of entire functions as a union of three-parametric linear normed subspaces determined by the type of the entire functions, their polynomial asymptotic on the real line, and the index p ≥ 1 of a Sobolev type Lp-summability on the real line with an appropriate weight function. An entire function belonging to a sub-space of the decomposition is exactly recovered by a sampling series, locally...

Sobre el parámetro complejidad lineal y los filtros no lineales de segundo orden.

Amparo Fúster Sabater, Luis J. García Villalba (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A new method of analysing the linear complexity of 2nd-order nonlinear filterings of m-sequences that is based on the concept of regular coset is present. The procedure considers any value of the LFSR's length, L, (prime or composite number). Emphasis is on the geometric interpretation of the regular cosets which produce degeneracies in the linear complexity of the filtered sequence. Numerical expressions to compute the linear complexity of such sequences are given as well as practical rules to...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 120