A 3-tier dynamic adaptive educational environment.
Computers have been employed in education for years. They help to provide educational aids using multimedia forms such as films, pictures, interactive tasks in the learning process, automated testing, etc. In this paper, a concept of an intelligent e-learning system will be proposed. The main purpose of this system is to teach effectively by providing an optimal learning path in each step of the educational process. The determination of a suitable learning path depends on the student's preferences,...
The article deals with the introduction of logarithmic function with the help of GeoGebra and Derive 6. A teaching experiment is described in which pupils reached the concept of logarithmic function by solving a carefully selected series of problems. Each problem is complemented by a solution and comments about the way it was solved by pupils with the help of software. The whole process ended with the definition of logarithmic function and a series of problems in which pupils were to discover its...
When elementary knowledge about divisibility of natural numbers is being taught at elementary schools, word problems are dealt with, whose theoretical base is the Chinese remainder theorem. This theorem can also be used for the solution of more difficult problems. One of them is quoted in this article and is intended mainly for teachers. A set of word problems for sixth- and seventh-grade pupils, whose difficulty increases gradually, is included. Problems based on the Chinese remainder theorem and...