Completion closed algebras and models of Peano arithmetic
On montre que si G est un groupe abélien localment compact non diskret à base dénombrable d'ouverts, alors la famille des fermés de synthèse pour l'algèbre de Fourier A(G) est une partie coanalytique non borélienne de ℱ(G), l'ensemble des fermés de G muni de la structure borélienne d'Effros. On généralise ainsi un résultat connu dans le cas du groupe 𝕋.
Nous donnons, pour chaque niveau de complexité Γ, une caractérisation du type "test d'Hurewicz" des boréliens d'un produit de deux espaces polonais ayant toutes leurs coupes dénombrables ne pouvant pas être rendus Γ par changement des deux topologies polonaises.
We show that each of the classes of hereditarily locally connected, finitely Suslinian, and Suslinian continua is Π₁¹-complete, while the class of regular continua is Π₀⁴-complete.
If T is a complete theory stronger than ZF such that axiom of extensionality for classes + T + is consistent for 1 (each alone), where are normal formulae then we show AST + + scheme of choice is consistent. As a consequence we get: there is no proper -formula in AST + scheme of choice. Moreover the complexity of the axioms of AST is studied, e.gẇe show axiom of extensionality is -formula, but not -formula and furthermore prolongation axiom, axioms of choice and cardinalities are -formulae,...
We evaluate the descriptive set theoretic complexity of the space of continuous surjections from to .
Resolving an open problem of Ravikumar and Quan, we show that equivalence of prefix grammars is complete in PSPACE. We also show that membership for these grammars is complete in P (it was known that this problem is in P) and characterize the complexity of equivalence and inclusion for monotonic grammars. For grammars with several premises we show that membership is complete in EXPTIME and hard for PSPACE for monotonic grammars.
Resolving an open problem of Ravikumar and Quan, we show that equivalence of prefix grammars is complete in PSPACE. We also show that membership for these grammars is complete in P (it was known that this problem is in P) and characterize the complexity of equivalence and inclusion for monotonic grammars. For grammars with several premises we show that membership is complete in EXPTIME and hard for PSPACE for monotonic grammars.
In this paper, using the notion of upper sets, we introduced the notions of complicated BE-Algebras and gave some related properties on complicated, self-distributive and commutative BE-algebras. In a self-distributive and complicated BE-algebra, characterizations of ideals are obtained.