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Nonreflecting stationary subsets of P κ λ

Yoshihiro Abe (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We explore the possibility of forcing nonreflecting stationary sets of P κ λ . We also present a P κ λ generalization of Kanamori’s weakly normal filters, which induces stationary reflection.

Non-separable Banach spaces with non-meager Hamel basis

Taras Banakh, Mirna Džamonja, Lorenz Halbeisen (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We show that an infinite-dimensional complete linear space X has: ∙ a dense hereditarily Baire Hamel basis if |X| ≤ ⁺; ∙ a dense non-meager Hamel basis if | X | = κ ω = 2 κ for some cardinal κ.

Nonstandard hulls of locally uniform groups

Isaac Goldbring (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We present a nonstandard hull construction for locally uniform groups in a spirit similar to Luxemburg's construction of the nonstandard hull of a uniform space. Our nonstandard hull is a local group rather than a global group. We investigate how this construction varies as one changes the family of pseudometrics used to construct the hull. We use the nonstandard hull construction to give a nonstandard characterization of Enflo's notion of groups that are uniformly free from small subgroups. We...

Normal forms in partial modal logic

Jan Jaspars (1993)

Banach Center Publications

A "partial" generalization of Fine's definition [Fin] of normal forms in normal minimal modal logic is given. This means quick access to complete axiomatizations and decidability proofs for partial modal logic [Thi].

Normal numbers and subsets of N with given densities

Haseo Ki, Tom Linton (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For X ⊆ [0,1], let D X denote the collection of subsets of ℕ whose densities lie in X. Given the exact location of X in the Borel or difference hierarchy, we exhibit the exact location of D X . For α ≥ 3, X is properly D ξ ( Π α 0 ) iff D X is properly D ξ ( Π 1 + α 0 ) . We also show that for every nonempty set X ⊆[0,1], D X is Π 3 0 -hard. For each nonempty Π 2 0 set X ⊆ [0,1], in particular for X = x, D X is Π 3 0 -complete. For each n ≥ 2, the collection of real numbers that are normal or simply normal to base n is Π 3 0 -complete. Moreover, D , the...

Normal numbers and the Borel hierarchy

Verónica Becher, Pablo Ariel Heiber, Theodore A. Slaman (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the set of absolutely normal numbers is Π⁰₃-complete in the Borel hierarchy of subsets of real numbers. Similarly, the set of absolutely normal numbers is Π⁰₃-complete in the effective Borel hierarchy.

Normal Subgroup of Product of Groups

Hiroyuki Okazaki, Kenichi Arai, Yasunari Shidama (2011)

Formalized Mathematics

In [6] it was formalized that the direct product of a family of groups gives a new group. In this article, we formalize that for all j ∈ I, the group G = Πi∈IGi has a normal subgroup isomorphic to Gj. Moreover, we show some relations between a family of groups and its direct product.

Normalisation of the Theory T of Cartesian Closed Categories and Conservativity of Extensions T[x] of T

Anne Preller, P. Duroux (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Using an inductive definition of normal terms of the theory of Cartesian Closed Categories with a given graph of distinguished morphisms, we give a reduction free proof of the decidability of this theory. This inductive definition enables us to show via functional completeness that extensions of such a theory by new constants (“indeterminates”) are conservative.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 106