Displaying 241 – 260 of 659

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Some combinatorics involving ξ-large sets

Teresa Bigorajska, Henryk Kotlarski (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove a version of the Ramsey theorem for partitions of (increasing) n-tuples. We derive this result from a version of König's infinity lemma for ξ-large trees. Here ξ < ε₀ and the notion of largeness is in the sense of Hardy hierarchy.

Some congruences for 3-component multipartitions

Tao Yan Zhao, Lily J. Jin, C. Gu (2016)

Open Mathematics

Let p3(n) denote the number of 3-component multipartitions of n. Recently, using a 3-dissection formula for the generating function of p3(n), Baruah and Ojah proved that for n ≥ 0, p3(9n + 5) ≡ 0 (mod 33) and p3 (9n + 8) ≡ 0 (mod 34). In this paper, we prove several congruences modulo powers of 3 for p3(n) by using some theta function identities. For example, we prove that for n ≥ 0, p3 (243n + 233) ≡ p3 (729n + 638) ≡ 0 (mod 310).

Some congruences involving binomial coefficients

Hui-Qin Cao, Zhi-Wei Sun (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Binomial coefficients and central trinomial coefficients play important roles in combinatorics. Let p > 3 be a prime. We show that T p - 1 ( p / 3 ) 3 p - 1 ( m o d p ² ) , where the central trinomial coefficient Tₙ is the constant term in the expansion of ( 1 + x + x - 1 ) . We also prove three congruences modulo p³ conjectured by Sun, one of which is k = 0 p - 1 p - 1 k 2 k k ( ( - 1 ) k - ( - 3 ) - k ) ( p / 3 ) ( 3 p - 1 - 1 ) ( m o d p ³ ) . In addition, we get some new combinatorial identities.

Some constructions of nested balanced equireplicate block designs

Shivani Rai, Shakti Banerjee, Sanpei Kageyama (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

arious methods of constructing nested ternary and quaternary efficiency balanced and variance balanced designs are proposed by applying some repetitions of treatments in all possible pairs of treatments. In these designs sub-blocks and super-blocks may form different p-ary designs, where sub-blocks have higher efficiency as compared to super-blocks, i.e., any two elementary treatment contrasts in the sub-blocks can be measured with higher efficiency than any two elementary contrasts in the super-block...

Some crossing numbers of products of cycles

Marián Klešč (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The exact values of crossing numbers of the Cartesian products of four special graphs of order five with cycles are given and, in addition, all known crossing numbers of Cartesian products of cycles with connected graphs on five vertices are summarized.

Some debts I owe.

Andrews, George E. (1999)

Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only]

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 659