Displaying 441 – 460 of 1336

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On hyper-Zagreb index conditions for hamiltonicity of graphs

Yong Lu, Qiannan Zhou (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

During the last decade, several research groups have published results on sufficient conditions for the hamiltonicity of graphs by using some topological indices. We mainly study hyper-Zagreb index and some hamiltonian properties. We give some sufficient conditions for graphs to be traceable, hamiltonian or Hamilton-connected in terms of their hyper-Zagreb indices. In addition, we also use the hyper-Zagreb index of the complement of a graph to present a sufficient condition for it to be Hamilton-connected....

On improper interval edge colourings

Peter Hudák, František Kardoš, Tomáš Madaras, Michaela Vrbjarová (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study improper interval edge colourings, defined by the requirement that the edge colours around each vertex form an integer interval. For the corresponding chromatic invariant (being the maximum number of colours in such a colouring), we present upper and lower bounds and discuss their qualities; also, we determine its values and estimates for graphs of various families, like wheels, prisms or complete graphs. The study of this parameter was inspired by the interval colouring, introduced by...

On 𝓕-independence in graphs

Frank Göring, Jochen Harant, Dieter Rautenbach, Ingo Schiermeyer (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let be a set of graphs and for a graph G let α ( G ) and α * ( G ) denote the maximum order of an induced subgraph of G which does not contain a graph in as a subgraph and which does not contain a graph in as an induced subgraph, respectively. Lower bounds on α ( G ) and α * ( G ) are presented.

On independent sets and non-augmentable paths in directed graphs

H. Galeana-Sánchez (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We investigate sufficient conditions, and in case that D be an asymmetrical digraph a necessary and sufficient condition for a digraph to have the following property: "In any induced subdigraph H of D, every maximal independent set meets every non-augmentable path". Also we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for any orientation of a graph G results a digraph with the above property. The property studied in this paper is an instance of the property of a conjecture of J.M. Laborde, Ch. Payan...

On infinite outerplanar graphs

Luis B. Boza, Ana Diánez, Alberto Márquez (1994)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this Note, we study infinite graphs with locally finite outerplane embeddings, given a characterization by forbidden subgraphs.

On infinite uniquely partitionable graphs and graph properties of finite character

Jozef Bucko, Peter Mihók (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph property is any nonempty isomorphism-closed class of simple (finite or infinite) graphs. A graph property is of finite character if a graph G has a property if and only if every finite induced subgraph of G has a property . Let ₁,₂,...,ₙ be graph properties of finite character, a graph G is said to be (uniquely) (₁, ₂, ...,ₙ)-partitionable if there is an (exactly one) partition V₁, V₂, ..., Vₙ of V(G) such that G [ V i ] i for i = 1,2,...,n. Let us denote by ℜ = ₁ ∘ ₂ ∘ ... ∘ ₙ the class of all (₁,₂,...,ₙ)-partitionable...

On integral sum graphs with a saturated vertex

Zhibo Chen (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

As introduced by F. Harary in 1994, a graph G is said to be an i n t e g r a l s u m g r a p h if its vertices can be given a labeling f with distinct integers so that for any two distinct vertices u and v of G , u v is an edge of G if and only if f ( u ) + f ( v ) = f ( w ) for some vertex...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 1336