Displaying 441 – 460 of 659

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Spectral study of alliances in graphs

Juan Alberto Rodríguez-Velazquez, Jose Maria Sigarreta Almira (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we obtain several tight bounds on different types of alliance numbers of a graph, namely (global) defensive alliance number, global offensive alliance number and global dual alliance number. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the alliance numbers of a graph and its algebraic connectivity, its spectral radius, and its Laplacian spectral radius.

Spherical and clockwise spherical graphs

Abdelhafid Berrachedi, Ivan Havel, Henry Martyn Mulder (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The main subject of our study are spherical (weakly spherical) graphs, i.e. connected graphs fulfilling the condition that in each interval to each vertex there is exactly one (at least one, respectively) antipodal vertex. Our analysis concerns properties of these graphs especially in connection with convexity and also with hypercube graphs. We deal e.g. with the problem under what conditions all intervals of a spherical graph induce hypercubes and find a new characterization of hypercubes: G is...

Splitting Cubic Circle Graphs

Lorenzo Traldi (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We show that every 3-regular circle graph has at least two pairs of twin vertices; consequently no such graph is prime with respect to the split decomposition. We also deduce that up to isomorphism, K4 and K3,3 are the only 3-connected, 3-regular circle graphs.

Squarefree monomial ideals with maximal depth

Ahad Rahimi (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( R , 𝔪 ) be a Noetherian local ring and M a finitely generated R -module. We say M has maximal depth if there is an associated prime 𝔭 of M such that depth M = dim R / 𝔭 . In this paper we study squarefree monomial ideals which have maximal depth. Edge ideals of cycle graphs, transversal polymatroidal ideals and high powers of connected bipartite graphs with this property are classified.

Square-root rule of two-dimensional bandwidth problem

Lan Lin, Yixun Lin (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The bandwidth minimization problem is of significance in network communication and related areas. Let G be a graph of n vertices. The two-dimensional bandwidth B2(G) of G is the minimum value of the maximum distance between adjacent vertices when G is embedded into an n × n grid in the plane. As a discrete optimization problem, determining B2(G) is NP-hard in general. However, exact results for this parameter can be derived for some special classes of graphs. This paper studies the “square-root...

Square-root rule of two-dimensional bandwidth problem∗

Lan Lin, Yixun Lin (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The bandwidth minimization problem is of significance in network communication and related areas. Let G be a graph of n vertices. The two-dimensional bandwidth B2(G) of G is the minimum value of the maximum distance between adjacent vertices when G is embedded into an n × n grid in the plane. As a discrete optimization problem, determining B2(G) is NP-hard in general. However, exact results for this parameter can be derived for some special classes of graphs. This paper studies the “square-root...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 659