Displaying 61 – 80 of 227

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New lower bounds on the weighted chromatic number of a graph

Massimiliano Caramia, Jirí Fiala (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we present theoretical and algorithmic results for the computation of lower bounds on the chromatic number of a weighted graph. In particular, we study different ways of a possible improvement of the lower bound offered by a maximum weighted clique. Based on our findings we devise new algorithms and show their performance on random graphs.

New proof of a characterization of geodetic graphs

Ladislav Nebeský (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In [3], the present author used a binary operation as a tool for characterizing geodetic graphs. In this paper a new proof of the main result of the paper cited above is presented. The new proof is shorter and simpler.

New results about impartial solitaire clobber

Eric Duchêne, Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Impartial Solitaire Clobber is a one-player version of the combinatorial game Clobber, introduced by Albert et al. in 2002. The initial configuration of Impartial Solitaire Clobber is a graph, such that there is a stone placed on each of its vertex, each stone being black or white. A move of the game consists in picking a stone, and clobbering an adjacent stone of the opposite color. By clobbering we mean that the clobbered stone is removed from the graph, and replaced by the clobbering one....

New sufficient conditions for hamiltonian and pancyclic graphs

Ingo Schiermeyer, Mariusz Woźniak (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a graph G of order n we consider the unique partition of its vertex set V(G) = A ∪ B with A = {v ∈ V(G): d(v) ≥ n/2} and B = {v ∈ V(G):d(v) < n/2}. Imposing conditions on the vertices of the set B we obtain new sufficient conditions for hamiltonian and pancyclic graphs.

New Symmetric (61,16,4) Designs Invariant Under the Dihedral Group of Order 10

Landjev, Ivan, Topalova, Svetlana (1998)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗ This work has been partially supported by the Bulgarian NSF under Contract No. I-506/1995.In this note we construct five new symmetric 2-(61,16,4) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10. As a by-product we obtain 25 new residual 2-(45,12,4) designs. The automorphism groups of all new designs are computed.

New Upper Bound for the Edge Folkman Number Fe(3,5;13)

Kolev, Nikolay (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C55.For a given graph G let V(G) and E(G) denote the vertex and the edge set of G respevtively. The symbol G e → (a1, …, ar) means that in every r-coloring of E(G) there exists a monochromatic ai-clique of color i for some i ∈ {1,…,r}. The edge Folkman numbers are defined by the equality Fe(a1, …, ar; q) = min{|V(G)| : G e → (a1, …, ar; q) and cl(G) < q}. In this paper we prove a new upper bound on the edge Folkman number Fe(3,5;13), namely Fe(3,5;13)...

New Upper Bounds for Some Spherical Codes

Boyvalenkov, Peter, Kazakov, Peter (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

The maximal cardinality of a code W on the unit sphere in n dimensions with (x, y) ≤ s whenever x, y ∈ W, x 6= y, is denoted by A(n, s). We use two methods for obtaining new upper bounds on A(n, s) for some values of n and s. We find new linear programming bounds by suitable polynomials of degrees which are higher than the degrees of the previously known good polynomials due to Levenshtein [11, 12]. Also we investigate the possibilities for attaining the Levenshtein bounds [11, 12]. In such cases...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 227