Another interpretation of the number of derangements. (Une autre interprétation du nombre des dérangements.)
Our short note gives the affirmative answer to one of Fishburn’s questions.
Let and , respectively, denote the partially ordered sets of homomorphism classes of finite undirected and directed graphs, respectively, both ordered by the homomorphism relation. Order theoretic properties of both have been studied extensively, and have interesting connections to familiar graph properties and parameters. In particular, the notion of a duality is closely related to the idea of splitting a maximal antichain. We construct both splitting and non-splitting infinite maximal antichains...
A subset of the vertex set of a graph is called dominating in , if for each there exists adjacent to . An antidomatic partition of is a partition of , none of whose classes is a dominating set in . The minimum number of classes of an antidomatic partition of is the number of . Its properties are studied.
It is well known that given a Steiner triple system one can define a quasigroup operation upon its base set by assigning for all and , where is the third point in the block containing the pair . The same can be done for Mendelsohn triple systems, where is considered to be ordered. But this is not necessarily the case for directed triple systems. However there do exist directed triple systems, which induce a quasigroup under this operation and these are called Latin directed triple systems....
We present an overview of the theory of nowhere zero flows, in particular the duality of flows and colorings, and the extension to antiflows and strong oriented colorings. As the main result, we find the asymptotic relation between oriented and strong oriented chromatic number.
The homomorphisms of oriented or undirected graphs, the oriented chromatic number, the relationship between acyclic colouring number and oriented chromatic number, have been recently intensely studied. For the purpose of duality, we define the notions of strong-oriented colouring and antisymmetric-flow. An antisymmetric-flow is a flow with values in an additive abelian group which uses no opposite elements of the group. We prove that the strong-oriented chromatic number (as the modular version...