Displaying 101 – 120 of 358

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Des permutations

J. Bourget (1871)

Nouvelles annales de mathématiques : journal des candidats aux écoles polytechnique et normale

Descriptions of state spaces of orthomodular lattices (the hypergraph approach)

Mirko Navara (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Using the general hypergraph technique developed in [7], we first give a much simpler proof of Shultz's theorem [10]: Each compact convex set is affinely homeomorphic to the state space of an orthomodular lattice. We also present partial solutions to open questions formulated in [10] - we show that not every compact convex set has to be a state space of a unital orthomodular lattice and that for unital orthomodular lattices the state space characterization can be obtained in the context of unital...

Designs, groups and lattices

Christine Bachoc (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The notion of designs in Grassmannian spaces was introduced by the author and R. Coulangeon, G. Nebe, in [3]. After having recalled some basic properties of these objects and the connections with the theory of lattices, we prove that the sequence of Barnes-Wall lattices hold 6 -Grassmannian designs. We also discuss the connections between the notion of Grassmannian design and the notion of design associated with the symmetric space of the totally isotropic subspaces in a binary quadratic space, which...

Destroying symmetry by orienting edges: complete graphs and complete bigraphs

Frank Harary, Michael S. Jacobson (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Our purpose is to introduce the concept of determining the smallest number of edges of a graph which can be oriented so that the resulting mixed graph has the trivial automorphism group. We find that this number for complete graphs is related to the number of identity oriented trees. For complete bipartite graphs K s , t , s ≤ t, this number does not always exist. We determine for s ≤ 4 the values of t for which this number does exist.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 358