Generating functions related to partition formulæ for Fibonacci numbers.
A method of generating a practically unlimited number of quasigroups of a (theoretically) arbitrary order using the computer algebra system Maple 7 is presented. This problem is crucial to cryptography and its solution permits to implement practical quasigroup-based endomorphic cryptosystems. The order of a quasigroup usually equals the number of characters of the alphabet used for recording both the plaintext and the ciphertext. From the practical viewpoint, the most important quasigroups are of...
We prove that the monoid of generic extensions of finite-dimensional nilpotent k[T]-modules is isomorphic to the monoid of partitions (with addition of partitions). This gives us a simple method for computing generic extensions, by addition of partitions. Moreover we give a combinatorial algorithm that calculates the constant terms of classical Hall polynomials.
For two vertices u and v of a graph G, the closed interval I[u,v] consists of u, v, and all vertices lying in some u-v geodesic in G. If S is a set of vertices of G, then I[S] is the union of all sets I[u,v] for u, v ∈ S. If I[S] = V(G), then S is a geodetic set for G. The geodetic number g(G) is the minimum cardinality of a geodetic set. A set S of vertices in a graph G is uniform if the distance between every two distinct vertices of S is the same fixed number. A geodetic set is essential if for...