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Hypergraphs with large transversal number and with edge sizes at least four

Michael Henning, Christian Löwenstein (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let H be a hypergraph on n vertices and m edges with all edges of size at least four. The transversal number τ(H) of H is the minimum number of vertices that intersect every edge. Lai and Chang [An upper bound for the transversal numbers of 4-uniform hypergraphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 1990, 50(1), 129–133] proved that τ(H) ≤ 2(n+m)/9, while Chvátal and McDiarmid [Small transversals in hypergraphs, Combinatorica, 1992, 12(1), 19–26] proved that τ(H) ≤ (n + 2m)/6. In this paper, we characterize...

Hypergraphs with Pendant Paths are not Chromatically Unique

Ioan Tomescu (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this note it is shown that every hypergraph containing a pendant path of length at least 2 is not chromatically unique. The same conclusion holds for h-uniform r-quasi linear 3-cycle if r ≥ 2.

Hyperidentities in transitive graph algebras

Tiang Poomsa-ard, Jeerayut Wetweerapong, Charuchai Samartkoon (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Graph algebras establish a connection between directed graphs without multiple edges and special universal algebras of type (2,0). We say that a graph G satisfies an identity s ≈ t if the corresponding graph algebra A(G) satisfies s ≈ t. A graph G = (V,E) is called a transitive graph if the corresponding graph algebra A(G) satisfies the equation x(yz) ≈ (xz)(yz). An identity s ≈ t of terms s and t of any type t is called a hyperidentity of an algebra A̲ if whenever the operation symbols occurring...

Hyperplanes in matroids and the axiom of choice

Marianne Morillon (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that in set theory without the axiom of choice ZF, the statement sH: “Every proper closed subset of a finitary matroid is the intersection of hyperplanes including it” implies AC fin , the axiom of choice for (nonempty) finite sets. We also provide an equivalent of the statement AC fin in terms of “graphic” matroids. Several open questions stay open in ZF, for example: does sH imply the axiom of choice?

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