Meet and join within the lattice of set partitions.
This paper is an erratum of H. Mühle: Distributive lattices have the intersection property, Math. Bohem. (2021). Meet-distributive lattices form an intriguing class of lattices, because they are precisely the lattices obtainable from a closure operator with the so-called anti-exchange property. Moreover, meet-distributive lattices are join semidistributive. Therefore, they admit two natural secondary structures: the core label order is an alternative order on the lattice elements and the canonical...
A locallic version of Hager’s metric-fine spaces is presented. A general definition of -fineness is given and various special cases are considered, notably all metric frames, complete metric frames. Their interactions with each other, quotients, separability, completion and other topological properties are discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to study the topological properties of the interval topology on a completely distributive lattice. The main result is that a metrizable completely distributive lattice is an ANR if and only if it contains at most finite completely compact elements.
Bounded lattices with an antitone involution the complemented elements of which do not form a sublattice must contain two complemented elements such that not both their join and their meet are complemented. We distinguish (up to symmetry) eight cases and in each of these cases we present such a lattice of minimal cardinality.
Let τ be a type of algebras without nullary fundamental operation symbols. We call an identity φ ≈ ψ of type τ clone compatible if φ and ψ are the same variable or the sets of fundamental operation symbols in φ and ψ are nonempty and identical. For a variety of type τ we denote by the variety of type τ defined by all clone compatible identities from Id(). We call the clone extension of . In this paper we describe algebras and minimal generics of all subvarieties of , where is the variety of...
In this survey paper some recent results on the minimality problem for positive realizations are discussed. In particular, it is firstly shown, by means of some examples, that the minimal dimension of a positive realization of a given transfer function, may be much “larger” than its McMillan degree. Then, necessary and sufficient conditions for the minimality of a given positive realization in terms of positive factorization of the Hankel matrix are given. Finally, necessary and sufficient conditions...