When is a total ordering of a semigroup a well-ordering?.
A lattice-ordered ring is called an OIRI-ring if each of its order ideals is a ring ideal. Generalizing earlier work of Basly and Triki, OIRI-rings are characterized as those -rings such that is contained in an -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit for some nil -ideal of . In particular, if denotes the set of nilpotent elements of the -ring , then is an OIRI-ring if and only if is contained in an -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit....
It is our aim to contribute to the flourishing collection of knowledge centered on the space of minimal prime subgroups of a given lattice-ordered group. Specifically, we are interested in the inverse topology. In general, this space is compact and , but need not be Hausdorff. In 2006, W. Wm. McGovern showed that this space is a boolean space (i.e. a compact zero-dimensional and Hausdorff space) if and only if the -group in question is weakly complemented. A slightly weaker topological property...
Let be a completely regular Hausdorff space and, as usual, let denote the ring of real-valued continuous functions on . The lattice of -ideals of has been shown by Martínez and Zenk (2005) to be a frame. We show that the spectrum of this lattice is (homeomorphic to) precisely when is a -space. This we actually show to be true not only in spaces, but in locales as well. Recall that an ideal of a commutative ring is called a -ideal if whenever two elements have the same annihilator and...