Continuous categories revisited.
Maps defined on the interior of the standard non-negative cone in which are both homogeneous of degree and order-preserving arise naturally in the study of certain classes of Discrete Event Systems. Such maps are non-expanding in Thompson’s part metric and continuous on the interior of the cone. It follows from more general results presented here that all such maps have a homogeneous order-preserving continuous extension to the whole cone. It follows that the extension must have at least...
In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that a contractive projection on a complex -algebra satisfies Seever’s identity.
This paper deals with ordered rings and f-rings. Some relations between classes of ideals are obtained. The idea of subunity allows us to study the possibility of embedding the ring in a unitary f-ring. The Boolean algebras of idempotents and lattice-isometries in an f-ring are studied. We give geometric characterizations of the l-isometries and obtain, in the projectable case, that the Stone space of the Boolean algebra of l-isometries is homeomorphic to the space of minimal prime ideals with the...
MV-algebras were introduced in 1958 by Chang [4] and they are models of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic. Chang gives a correspondence between the category of linearly ordered MV-algebras and the category of linearly ordered abelian l-groups.Mundici [10] extended this result showing a categorical equivalence between the category of the MV-algebras and the category of the abelian l-groups with strong unit.In this paper, starting from some definitions and results in abelian l-groups, we shall study...
In this paper we investigate abelian convergence -groups with zero radical such that each bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence.
There is defined and studied a convergence with a fixed regulator u in directed groups. A u-Cauchy completion of an integrally closed directed group is constructed.
We obtain for measures on MV-algebras the classical theorem of Dieudonné related to convergent sequences of regular maps.