Displaying 181 – 200 of 548

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Récurrences 2 - et 3 -mahlériennes

Bernard Randé (1993)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

On sait (Cobham) qu’une suite 2 - et 3 -automatique est une suite rationnelle. Une question de Loxton et van der Poorten étend ce résultat au cas 2 - et 3 -régulier. On montre dans cet article que, si une suite vérifie une récurrence 2 - et 3 -mahlérienne d’ordre un, elle est rationnelle.

Reducibility and irreducibility of Stern ( 0 , 1 ) -polynomials

Karl Dilcher, Larry Ericksen (2014)

Communications in Mathematics

The classical Stern sequence was extended by K.B. Stolarsky and the first author to the Stern polynomials a ( n ; x ) defined by a ( 0 ; x ) = 0 , a ( 1 ; x ) = 1 , a ( 2 n ; x ) = a ( n ; x 2 ) , and a ( 2 n + 1 ; x ) = x a ( n ; x 2 ) + a ( n + 1 ; x 2 ) ; these polynomials are Newman polynomials, i.e., they have only 0 and 1 as coefficients. In this paper we prove numerous reducibility and irreducibility properties of these polynomials, and we show that cyclotomic polynomials play an important role as factors. We also prove several related results, such as the fact that a ( n ; x ) can only have simple zeros, and we state a...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 548