Displaying 2761 – 2780 of 3014

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On the trace of the ring of integers of an abelian number field

Kurt Girstmair (1992)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K, L be algebraic number fields with K ⊆ L, and O K , O L their respective rings of integers. We consider the trace map T = T L / K : L K and the O K -ideal T ( O L ) O K . By I(L/K) we denote the group indexof T ( O L ) in O K (i.e., the norm of T ( O L ) over ℚ). It seems to be difficult to determine I(L/K) in the general case. If K and L are absolutely abelian number fields, however, we obtain a fairly explicit description of the number I(L/K). This is a consequence of our description of the Galois module structure of T ( O L ) (Theorem 1). The case...

On the tree structure of the power digraphs modulo n

Amplify Sawkmie, Madan Mohan Singh (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any two positive integers n and k 2 , let G ( n , k ) be a digraph whose set of vertices is { 0 , 1 , ... , n - 1 } and such that there is a directed edge from a vertex a to a vertex b if a k b ( mod n ) . Let n = i = 1 r p i e i be the prime factorization of n . Let P be the set of all primes dividing n and let P 1 , P 2 P be such that P 1 P 2 = P and P 1 P 2 = . A fundamental constituent of G ( n , k ) , denoted by G P 2 * ( n , k ) , is a subdigraph of G ( n , k ) induced on the set of vertices which are multiples of p i P 2 p i and are relatively prime to all primes q P 1 . L. Somer and M. Křížek proved that the trees attached to all cycle...

On the unimodal character of the frequency function of the largest prime factor

Jean-Marie De Koninck, Jason Pierre Sweeney (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the unimodal character of the frequency function of the largest prime factor. To do that, let P(n) stand for the largest prime factor of n. Then define f(x,p): = #{n ≤ x | P(n) = p}. If f(x,p) is considered as a function of p, for 2 ≤ p ≤ x, the primes in the interval [2,x] belong to three intervals I₁(x) = [2,v(x)], I₂(x) = ]v(x),w(x)[ and I₃(x) = [w(x),x], with v(x) < w(x), such that f(x,p) increases for p ∈ I₁(x), reaches its maximum value in...

On the uniqueness of elliptic K3 surfaces with maximal singular fibre

Matthias Schütt, Andreas Schweizer (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We explicitly determine the elliptic K 3 surfaces with section and maximal singular fibre. If the characteristic of the ground field is different from 2 , for each of the two possible maximal fibre types, I 19 and I 14 * , the surface is unique. In characteristic 2 the maximal fibre types are I 18 and I 13 * , and there exist two (resp. one) one-parameter families of such surfaces.

On the use of explicit bounds on residues of Dedekind zeta functions taking into account the behavior of small primes

Stéphane Louboutin (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Lately, explicit upper bounds on | L ( 1 , χ ) | (for primitive Dirichlet characters χ ) taking into account the behaviors of χ on a given finite set of primes have been obtained. This yields explicit upper bounds on residues of Dedekind zeta functions of abelian number fields taking into account the behavior of small primes, and it as been explained how such bounds yield improvements on lower bounds of relative class numbers of CM-fields whose maximal totally real subfields are abelian. We present here some other...

On the value distribution of a class of arithmetic functions

Werner Georg Nowak (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This article deals with the value distribution of multiplicative prime-independent arithmetic functions ( α ( n ) ) with α ( n ) = 1 if n is N -free ( N 2 a fixed integer), α ( n ) > 1 else, and α ( 2 n ) . An asymptotic result is established with an error term probably definitive on the basis of the present knowledge about the zeros of the zeta-function. Applications to the enumerative functions of Abelian groups and of semisimple rings of given finite order are discussed.

On the value set of small families of polynomials over a finite field, II

Guillermo Matera, Mariana Pérez, Melina Privitelli (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We obtain an estimate on the average cardinality (d,s,a) of the value set of any family of monic polynomials in q [ T ] of degree d for which s consecutive coefficients a = ( a d - 1 , . . . , a d - s ) are fixed. Our estimate asserts that ( d , s , a ) = μ d q + ( q 1 / 2 ) , where μ d : = r = 1 d ( ( - 1 ) r - 1 ) / ( r ! ) . We also prove that ( d , s , a ) = μ ² d q ² + ( q 3 / 2 ) , where ₂(d,s,a) is the average second moment of the value set cardinalities for any family of monic polynomials of q [ T ] of degree d with s consecutive coefficients fixed as above. Finally, we show that ( d , 0 ) = μ ² d q ² + ( q ) , where ₂(d,0) denotes the average second moment for all monic polynomials...

Currently displaying 2761 – 2780 of 3014