Displaying 2781 – 2800 of 3014

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On the value-distribution of Epstein zeta-functions.

Jörn Steuding (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We investigate the value-distribution of Epstein zeta-functions ζ(s; Q), where Q is a positive definite quadratic form in n variables. We prove an asymptotic formula for the number of c-values, i.e., the roots of the equation ζ(s; Q) = c, where c is any fixed complex number. Moreover, we show that, in general, these c-values are asymmetrically distributed with respect to the critical line Re s =n/4. This complements previous results on the zero-distribution.[Proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas...

On the values of Artin L-series at s=1 and annihilation of class groups

Hugo Castillo, Andrew Jones (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let L be a finite Galois CM-extension of a totally real field K. We show that the validity of an appropriate special case of the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture leads to a natural construction for each odd prime p of explicit elements in the (non-commutative) Fitting invariants over p [ G ] of a certain tame ray class group, and hence also in the analogous Fitting invariants of the p-primary part of the ideal class group of L. These elements involve the values at s=1 of the Artin L-series of characters...

On the vanishing of Iwasawa invariants of absolutely abelian p-extensions

Gen Yamamoto (2000)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Let p be a prime number and p the ring of p-adic integers. Let k be a finite extension of the rational number field ℚ, k a p -extension of k, k n the nth layer of k / k , and A n the p-Sylow subgroup of the ideal class group of k n . Iwasawa proved the following well-known theorem about the order A n of A n : Theorem A (Iwasawa). Let k / k be a p -extension and A n the p-Sylow subgroup of the ideal class group of k n , where k n is the n th layer of k / k . Then there exist integers λ = λ ( k / k ) 0 , μ = μ ( k / k ) 0 , ν = ν ( k / k ) , and n₀ ≥ 0 such that A n = p λ n + μ p n + ν for...

On the variation of certain fractional part sequences

Michel Balazard, Leila Benferhat, Mihoub Bouderbala (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

Let b > a > 0 . We prove the following asymptotic formula n 0 | { x / ( n + a ) } - { x / ( n + b ) } | = 2 π ζ ( 3 / 2 ) c x + O ( c 2 / 9 x 4 / 9 ) , with c = b - a , uniformly for x 40 c - 5 ( 1 + b ) 27 / 2 .

On the Waring-Goldbach problem for one square and five cubes in short intervals

Fei Xue, Min Zhang, Jinjiang Li (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let N be a sufficiently large integer. We prove that almost all sufficiently large even integers n [ N - 6 U , N + 6 U ] can be represented as n = p 1 2 + p 2 3 + p 3 3 + p 4 3 + p 5 3 + p 6 3 , p 1 2 - N 6 U , p i 3 - N 6 U , i = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , where U = N 1 - δ + ε with δ 8 / 225 .

Currently displaying 2781 – 2800 of 3014