Displaying 321 – 340 of 370

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Greatest prime divisors of polynomial values over function fields

Alexei Entin (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

For a function field K and fixed polynomial F ∈ K[x] and varying f ∈ F (under certain restrictions) we give a lower bound for the degree of the greatest prime divisor of F(f) in terms of the height of f, establishing a strong result for the function field analogue of a classical problem in number theory.

Greedy and lazy representations in negative base systems

Tomáš Hejda, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2013)


We consider positional numeration systems with negative real base - β , where β > 1 , and study the extremal representations in these systems, called here the greedy and lazy representations. We give algorithms for determination of minimal and maximal ( - β ) -representation with respect to the alternate order. We also show that both extremal representations can be obtained as representations in the positive base β 2 with a non-integer alphabet. This enables us to characterize digit sequences admissible as greedy...

Grothendieck and Witt groups in the reduced theory of quadratic forms

Andrzej Sładek (1980)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Abstract. Let F be a formally real field. Denote by G(F) and G t ( F ) the Grothen-dieck group of quadratic forms over F and its torsion subgroup, respectively. In this paper we study the structure of the factor group G ( F ) / G t ( F ) . This reduced Grothendieck group is a free Abelian group. The main results of the paper describe some sets of generators for G ( F ) / G t ( F ) , which in many cases allow us to find a basis for the group. Throughout the paper we use the language of the reduced theory of quadratic forms. In the final part...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 370