Jak lze snáze a jistěji děliti nežli způsobem obyčejným?
Let a,b and c be relatively prime positive integers such that a²+b² = c². We prove that if and for some non-negative integer r, then the Diophantine equation has only the positive solution (x,y,z) = (2,2,2). We also show that the same holds if c ≡ -1 (mod a).
We determine the distribution over square-free integers of the pair , where is a curve in the congruent number curve family, is the image of isogeny , , and is the isogeny dual to .
It is known that two consecutive coefficients of a ternary cyclotomic polynomial differ by at most one. We characterize all k such that . We use this to prove that the number of nonzero coefficients of the nth ternary cyclotomic polynomial is greater than .