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Jeśmanowicz' conjecture with congruence relations

Yasutsugu Fujita, Takafumi Miyazaki (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let a,b and c be relatively prime positive integers such that a²+b² = c². We prove that if b 0 ( m o d 2 r ) and b ± 2 r ( m o d a ) for some non-negative integer r, then the Diophantine equation a x + b y = c z has only the positive solution (x,y,z) = (2,2,2). We also show that the same holds if c ≡ -1 (mod a).

Joint distribution for the Selmer ranks of the congruent number curves

Ilija S. Vrećica (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We determine the distribution over square-free integers n of the pair ( dim 𝔽 2 Sel Φ ( E n / ) , dim 𝔽 2 Sel Φ ^ ( E n ' / ) ) , where E n is a curve in the congruent number curve family, E n ' : y 2 = x 3 + 4 n 2 x is the image of isogeny Φ : E n E n ' , Φ ( x , y ) = ( y 2 / x 2 , y ( n 2 - x 2 ) / x 2 ) , and Φ ^ is the isogeny dual to Φ .

Jumping champions.

Odlyzko, Andrew, Rubinstein, Michael, Wolf, Marek (1999)

Experimental Mathematics

Jumping sequences.

Butler, Steve, Graham, Ron, Zang, Nan (2008)

Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]

Jumps of ternary cyclotomic coefficients

Bartłomiej Bzdęga (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

It is known that two consecutive coefficients of a ternary cyclotomic polynomial Φ p q r ( x ) = k a p q r ( k ) x k differ by at most one. We characterize all k such that | a p q r ( k ) - a p q r ( k - 1 ) | = 1 . We use this to prove that the number of nonzero coefficients of the nth ternary cyclotomic polynomial is greater than n 1 / 3 .

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